Example sentences of "erm it [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Well the honourable gentleman as always makes er more than a debating point , I think he makes a serious point which er deserves to be answered , erm it is not , if I can put it this way , the intention of these orders er to turn auditors into er snoopers or narks er and to do so I think runs some very serious risks , not only of reducing and undermining the relationship between auditors and their clients , not only of imposing very substantial additional cost burdens on auditors which will have to be borne by companies and ultimately their clients , but also there has an example he 's given I think to be some difference , put it no more than that between public money and private money , even though I acknowledge that were talking here about the trusteeship in some cases of of er d er public deposits and funds .
2 I would however I I with great trepidation as I do n't think I 've ever dared do it before , er is try to actually clarify the thoughts of my leader erm it is not erm , have I your permission erm I I I feel I feel he may , I feel that
3 Erm it is n't necessarily dirtier than the average street , it does n't necessarily have more dog shit or more paper strewn around it but neither does it have a , any sense of activity within it .
4 Sorry erm it is n't a BUS do you think ?
5 Erm it is n't the doctors you see that are awkward .
6 Erm if you wish to proceed with this proposal , I would suggest perhaps that erm it is n't uncertainty of responsibility but perhaps the extent of responsibilities and powers of the various agencies which need to be clarified and I , it is , it is pro probably that area which erm will be addressed by er th the analysis which takes place erm after the immediate problems are behind us er but certainly the implications for the Strategic Planning Committee erm and for , perhaps for local planning or something which erm the Chief Officers could be asked to report back to this Committee .
7 That particular single matter was not pursued by the ombudsman an and that therefore means that erm it is n't something that er he felt was a question of maladministration but I did want just to emphasise that this particular point , because in the more er i in the recent report to the Policy Resources Committee on ombudsman complaints , the number , and I ca n't recall exactly what the number was , but the number included in that report relating to planning matters was certainly higher than one , I think there were about half a dozen and what I wanted to take the opportunity of explaining was the , the majority of those all but the one that I 've now referred to , er where in fact relating to district matter planning applications and not to the County Council .
8 Erm I mean looking at the , er the only solution , I feel erm another poor factor of this committee is probably er erm unnecessary and if I look at appendix four which lists the possibles , if I can find , erm it is n't actually necessary to have rules all like this , er next years erm , next years priority will be dealt with next year .
9 Similar exercises have been undertaken by other er governments and there 's a tremendous contrast with the way those governments have actually sought to do this , with our own government , erm no publicity whatsoever has appeared yet and again I offer the minister the chance to tell us at some later point , what the government is prepared to do to exert itself on this matter and to tell us indeed whether it wants people to register erm it is n't particularly clear whether in fact this is part of er some idea that the government has that people should n't register and I think that the minister needs to be very clear about this so that people get the message outside , because nine and a half million people did n't vote , even in the last general election .
10 Mm , you 've got to bear in mind that it is actually erm it is n't something you can take for granted , it is something that is a given thing and that er , it can be taken away , that 's the main thing , but
11 Erm it is n't really tailored to meet the needs er of the sort of developments we 're talking about .
12 erm it is n't a problem just for Hereford or for this country it 's an international problem which has evoked interest over the whole world .
13 Er the erm the environmental health check I think he did discuss it at fantastic length , the question of our public lavatories an an and the savings that can be made and the judgement it came to in the end was a , was a very one I think on the outlook against of what you can reasonably do , erm nevertheless I do gather that erm erm it is no longer necessary under standing orders , for erm amendments to the budget to be self financing because you can move amendments to simply increase the budget and er the amendment that I reserve I suppose , it 's not very much .
14 Erm it is obviously beneficial particularly for banks and financial institutions to use
15 Erm it is quite unfair , and illegal , for a shop to try to duck out of their responsibilities to you by pointing to a sign that says no refunds , no money refunded .
16 Erm it is quite clear from that that because the inner routes er are much closer in er to the urban area , they do pick up more of the local movements between Harrogate and Knaresborough er than does the outer route .
17 You can understand sort of you know , th the coppers and that that as they say get down behind sofas and what have you but erm it is quite amazing where notes get to is n't it ?
18 Erm it is always been planned that the this er release of the flight control system will be phased through five steps and the capabilities at first flight are more or less what we had been planning er right from the outset .
19 I I simply do n't know but the paperwork I 've seen says that erm it is as likely in the next four or five years that major inward investors could be in the B one office type of employment as they happen to have been in the last couple of years in the manufacturing class .
20 The second point which I would make is that despite having had many months indeed years , to come to a view , erm it is only Selby District Council who have stepped forward and said , basically that they would be prepared to accommodate the new settlement .
21 If we were to have dialogue , if dialogue were to be opened between us and I am now talking about dialogue and not of debate , then erm it is only erm , I 'm certain that there would be a great deal to , to say to him from us on our part , and I am also sure that he will have a great deal to say .
22 There 's also another problem with land reform in I ca n't really see how they could implement land reform without reverting to similar sorts of they used in which is defining class distinctions and the chaos that that causes and the problems it causes erm it is almost as if , if you go back to erm settling of accounts
23 In other words , you do n't have the political input that you presently do in erm state schools , and of course the school itself is not answerable to the Local Education Authority in terms of policy it erm it is almost a stand-alone exercise , with the financing coming directly from D E S.
24 Erm I know it 's associated with over extraction of water at certain points but but be that as it may , but in the old days the Sussex Lands Committee er used to be er a county function and did take an overview erm of the whole West Sussex scene in terms of what happened erm it is now really now erm not our responsibility , although we put members on it , it 's a now fairly weak er joint body but it 's pretty toothless .
25 Erm it 's pretty obvious really you wan na know anything about Christianity , you do n't know it , let's put it this way , you do n't know anything about Christianity unless you know something about Resurrection .
26 Erm now , something that puzzled me for quite a long time when I started out doing philosophy of language er one or two years ago erm frequently you hear claims or we hear claims to the effect that this is a logical form of this sentence or this is the structure of this sentence , or this is the semantic structure of this sentence and I was never quite sure what that actually meant erm it 's partly because apart from Davidson , erm a lot of people who write on these issues do n't actually tell you what the background theory is and exactly what the point of the assignment of structured sentences is supposed to be , erm however after thinking about it for a while , I 've arrived at the following following general view there are at least three rather different enterprises er which might lead you to assign sentence structure and er one needs to figure out the relations between them .
27 And just to remind you what I was saying , if you 've just switched on , what I was just confirming with Colin er earlier , is that erm it 's slightly different in this competition to what we 've been accustomed to in the football league er this and last season , in as far as it 's not goals scored that 's important when you have the same number of points , it is goal difference .
28 Where do you think that more money needs to be spent ? erm well , the government are in the process of launching a massive new initiative called Care in the Community erm I 'm afraid a lot of people working in my neck of the woods find this rather well not amusing , but erm it 's slightly hysterically amusing , because the amount of money that would be needed to fund the projects that are identified as being necessary is enormous , and the government is in no way going to be putting up that sort of funds erm so it comes down to money , and particularly in this community care area .
29 Erm it 's also clear from correspondence I had meetings with officers of both councils following those objections , erm at which we talked specifically about the greenbelt functions of this .
30 Non-executive directors , that is a strength erm it 's also a threat but it is also a strength but basically it 's acting as a sort of yardstick to control or actually guide the actual management right down from board level right down the company there .
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