Example sentences of "case be [indef pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The general point in this case is something like ‘ the effect of restoring old buildings ’ which is already part of the topic framework established by the preceding discourse .
2 One part of this judgment is a moral question raised by the officer as to whether the case is one about which action ought not to be taken .
3 This is most apparent from the judgment of Lord Wilberforce who makes clearer than their remaining Lordships that the case is one about jurisdictional fact .
4 Hermogenianus ' case is one in which the beneficiary of the trust appears to have an immediate claim against the trustee .
5 The typical case is one in which a factual statement points out that a situation is one of the kind in which an ethical statement asserts that a certain obligation holds , that is , one in which it has expressed the wish that people should act in a certain way or meet the disfavour of others .
6 But they reaped no advantage ; there was nothing moving towards them which could be deemed to be a consideration , with the result that the case is one in which the contract is made , but remains unenforceable in law … .
7 But that does n't mean that the ordinary case is one in which the woman is in any way asking to be raped .
8 They did not act since the case was one for the Russian authorities alone .
9 The Vice-Chancellor , Sir Donald Nicholls , said that the section gave the Court discretion in the widest sense , and in His Lordship 's view , the case was one in which a sale should be directed , even though there would be a deficiency .
10 VWAG argued that the case was one in which there was ‘ occasion to transmit a judicial document for service abroad ’ , because VWAG , which was not present in Illinois , would need , and was expected , to answer the allegations made against it .
11 Having reached that conclusion , their Lordships considered whether the case was one in which the proviso to section 14(1) of the Judicature ( Appellate Jurisdiction ) Act might suitably be applied to uphold the conviction .
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