Example sentences of "great number [prep] people " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I am fasting because , unlike our state media , I am worried about the great number of people who have left our country .
2 To deny this magic is to incur the wrath of a great number of people .
3 To remove such a sacred mound would cause much distress to a great number of people .
4 No great number of people need have been directly engaged in ironmaking , for the Wealden industry was still in the 1520s no more than poised on the threshold of greatness , with only three blast furnaces in operation , and indeed the original one at Newbridge standing idle without a tenant .
5 The occult power of dictators does n't lie in the fact that they 're clever they 're frequently quite limited , and I think Milosevic is a very limited man but in the fact that they can draw a great number of people and even whole nations into the circle of their mad ideas .
6 For Smith , the difference is ‘ merely subjective ’ : the division within the enterprise is confined to one location and can be surveyed synoptically while in the case of the division of labour in society ‘ the spreading-out of the work over great areas and the great number of people employed in each branch of labour obscure the connection ’ ( paraphrased by Marx , 1976 , p. 475 ) .
7 I have developed considerable regard and affection over the years for Jack Profumo , who has worked his passage after having been what is technically described as ‘ disgraced ’ in circumstances where a great number of people would not have been over-censorious .
8 Its unacceptability would be shared by a great number of people , except that it is a levelling process restricted to a single aspect of human life , whereas the advantages of wealth can operate effectively and valuably in so many others .
9 When they came near the princess 's tower they saw a great number of people , all walking in the meadows , all searching for the princess 's lost keys .
10 Even in the merchant activities of the outports , however , a great number of people were taking shares in trading ventures , and from much further down the social scale than was the case with the East India Company , only 1.6 per cent of whose investors held less than £100 in 1764 .
11 Again , something which affects a great number of people .
12 We are coming to terms with a major sport which is of great interest to a great number of people .
13 I know people get tired of appeals , but I urge them to organise fundraising for the echo-cardiograph equipment as undoubtedly a great number of people will follow me through the coronary unit and the machine will surely be of great help to them .
14 Now , you 'll see that it has a tendency to go all over the world wherever it is invited but whoever invites the World Council of Churches now must , in fact , be able to cope with a great number of people !
15 Most of us believe that we are here to do the greatest good for the greatest number of people .
16 Victims of assault , wounding , robbery and sexual crimes were also given counselling but by far the greatest number of people ( 4,835 ) were given help after house burglaries .
17 In a challenging analysis of the Government 's plan , they argue that it will not deliver the greatest health benefits to the greatest number of people .
18 The greater number of people who are well-briefed , the wider the cascade effect .
19 Education has expanded very significantly , thus giving a much greater number of people information and skills to assist them in improving their living standards .
20 He also pointed out that the Nile , if it flooded , might well drown a greater number of people than all the refugees .
21 Like the woman in Telephone Directories his English accent , jarring to a Scot , is understood by the greater number of people , especially foreigners .
22 Now , ‘ a greater number of people hold specific responsibilities .
23 We do not really know why a greater number of people began to survive into adulthood during this period .
24 Changes in these factors affect social organisation so that , to take a simple example , a greater number of people and a more or less constant amount of fertile land combined to reduce the size of holdings , which were divided among family members .
25 Instead , the evidence strongly suggested that the higher imprisonment rate in England and Wales was brought about by the courts ' decisions to commit a greater number of people to prison , both on remand and also under sentence .
26 The greater number of small companies you have , Branson reasoned , the greater number of people to whom you can give responsibility ; ‘ encouraging entrepreneurship ’ , as he put it , under the umbrella of Virgin .
27 It is possible also that the increased expenditure might alleviate the crowding cost associated with a greater number of people , and in this case the curve would shift to the right , thereby increasing the optimal number of individuals for the community .
28 Not only have the basic building blocks of the computer become smaller and cheaper , and hence more readily available to a greater number of people , the language of the computer has become much more accessible to the lay person .
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