Example sentences of "part of a [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 The BMC move comes as part of a wider campaign to persuade the Government to intervene and secure the estate , described as one of Europe 's most important conservation and winter mountaineering areas , for the nation .
2 It made privatization part of a wider cultural shift among the British people , including wide swathes of the working class .
3 In part , it was part of a wider decline in the authority of national institutions from the monarchy to the police ; satire and culture criticism reflected the process and took it further .
4 Of course , these developments were part of a wider process common to many countries .
5 Spectator sport in this respect seems to be a part of a wider system of entertainment ’ which embraced the music-hall and the cinema , the record industry ‘ and the dance-hall .
6 German reunification should be part of a wider process of bringing a new peace order in Europe .
7 President Bush also came away from his talks with Mr Gorbachev in Malta convinced that the Soviet leader recognised that German reunification may turn out to be unavoidable , but that it must come as part of a wider European endeavour to end the post-war division of Europe .
8 President Bush also came away from his talks with Mr Gorbachev in Malta convinced that the Soviet leader recognised that German reunification may turn out to be unavoidable , but that it must come as part of a wider European endeavour to end the post-war division of Europe .
9 The industry secretary , Peter Lilley , has just announced a government initiative to address this problem , as part of a wider drive to improve all manufacturers ' handling of technical innovation and to push forward what Mr Lilley calls a cultural revolution in British business .
10 But Wall Street also lost money ( for the first time ) in 1990 , so perhaps London is just part of a wider trend .
11 The church is part of a wider society and it is to society 's attitudes that we now turn .
12 But what in the sixteenth century had been a highly convenient part of a wider whole , a matter of partisanship for immediate political and religious reasons , now took on an objective life of its own .
13 Simplicity and ceremonial seem to express the changing pattern of Nonconformist worship but that worship was only part of a wider search for dignity , a dignity which was mainly realized in the new and improved buildings Nonconformity was erecting up and down the country .
14 None the less , there is excitement in CSIRO that Jennings and colleagues in Sydney have made a discovery which is part of a wider trend to customise pharmaceuticals to attack specific diseases .
15 This last category included five groups associated with Mencap Homes Foundation projects which while benefiting from CMHT support were part of a wider supportive structure , but they also included four other groups which were primarily assisted by the teams .
16 But these aspects of citizenship should form part of a wider concept which embraces also the citizenship of entitlement , participation in the wider national and political community and readiness on the part of the state to engage in debate and discussion with the citizenry , what Fishman has called ‘ due political process ’ .
17 Where conservation was part of a wider package of rural development programmes ( e.g. in integrated rural development projects ) , the physical outputs were achieved on target such as construction of storage facilities , target areas planted under some improved varieties of crops , the planting of trees in big plantations , the establishment of sawmills , agro-processing plants , mills and packing stations .
18 It is perhaps interesting to note that whilst the LMS legislation would appear to be part of a wider strategy for the control of public expenditure , it has now spawned a range of better-informed pressure groups which , when focusing on the quality of the education service , find themselves increasingly calling for greater expenditure on books , teaching materials , equipment and the maintenance of school premises !
19 There has certainly been central government encouragement : bodies recognized as enterprise agencies are entitled to various tax concessions and become part of a wider national network .
20 These changes can be viewed as one aspect of a potentially liberating move towards an increased role for the market and in this sense the reform of local government may be understood as a part of a wider restructuring of the state to achieve the same ends .
21 Ideally , it will reflect the characteristics of the model , eg comprise a series of interrelated subsystems , have resources for its own use , an expectation of continuity , and be part of a wider system that is influenced by the surrounding environment .
22 They also suspect that the move against wolves is part of a wider campaign against predators .
23 The Russian-French observatory , is part of a wider programme of space collaboration , most dramatically shown by the flight , aboard a Russian rocket , of a French cosmonaut last summer .
24 Schools are part of a wider education system .
25 In fact the channelling of reports and dissertations towards educationally productive goals is merely part of a wider and far more important issue , that of establishing a new climate of opinion among teachers and those who train them which regards enquiry about the learners and the environment in which they learn as an important part of a teacher 's professional life , which seeks to develop interests and provide skills for them to do so as part of their training and retraining and which rewards initiatives undertaken in college and subsequently .
26 Thus planners see their own jobs as micro-processes whereas other people regard their activities as macro-processes — part of a wider scheme .
27 Congress recognizes that discrimination in employment is part of a wider pattern of discrimination against homosexual men and women in society as a whole , and that a campaign to achieve the objects ( listed above in the resolution ) will be more effective if this is taken into account and is conducted in association with gay rights and civil liberty organizations .
28 As part of a wider resistance , both the main unions are threatening general strikes during the coming months .
29 The ASB still takes the view that appropriate disclosures of this kind can assist users of financial statements , but in the light of the responses to FRED 1 concluded that the concept can best be developed within the ASB 's proposals for an Operating and Financial Review to support a company 's annual report — ie as part of a wider discussion of a company 's performance .
30 part of a wider syllabus of language study ( this is outlined in chapter 5 ) .
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