Example sentences of "part of [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 First is the manufacturers ' close dependence both on their upstream suppliers ( being part of a vertically integrated chemical group is a competitive advantage ) and on their downstream customers who call the tune .
2 There are a number of reasons for thinking that such information transmission may be easier to manage if it occurs within firms than if it is subject to market transactions , and this means that there is a case for thinking that R&D activities ( particularly the D ) may have to be part of a vertically related structure that extends back into important input markets , and forward into downstream consumer markets ( see Teece , 1986 , Geroski , 1992 , and Jorde and Teece , 1990 , who apply these arguments to the antitrust treatment of co-operative R&D ventures ) .
3 Woodland Hills , California-based American Mobile Systems Inc reports that it has had an offer from LIN Broadcasting Corp 's Transit Communications unit to buy not less than 8.75m newly issued American Mobile shares for $8.50 each ; Fleet Call Inc has currently bought 714,286 shares of its common for $5m as part of a previously announced agreement for Fleet call to buy no less than a majority of American Mobile 's shares at $7 each ; the new offer assumes that the Fleet Call deal will be completed as planned .
4 In fact , it 's part of a shrewdly calculated subtext .
5 With a couple of exceptions , the separate numbers ' are actually inseparable from their context while , on the other hand , Britten does use Wagnerian leitmotifs as part of a rather more generalised system of motivic transformations .
6 It is part of a rather complicated arrangement that has been going on for a few years now . ’
7 The receptor for TGLP-1 in the rat gastric mucosa seems to be different from that for glucagon-29 , but they may be part of a closely related family .
8 The size of groups can be difficult to measure , because dolphins apparently travelling separately may in fact be part of a widely spread group in acoustic communication with each other .
9 They have done so as part of a widely comprehensive output , ranging from chamber music to symphonies and opera .
10 A deictic term is part of a grammatically closed set which includes the personal and demonstrative pronouns , certain adverbials , definite referring expressions and the vocative particle ( a fuller taxonomy is presented in Section 5 ) .
11 What happened next was evidently part of a carefully rehearsed rigmarole .
12 It was part of a carefully constructed plan to give the family an estate beyond the Liris .
13 She was being persecuted and it was part of a carefully laid plan .
14 Parachuting , however , was only a small part of a most intensive programme .
15 The rebels were part of a strongly nationalist " Revolutionary Bolivarist Movement " whose intention was to establish a " junta of national reconstruction " to deal with economic problems , social disparity and corruption , taking advantage of the government 's low popularity , particularly among the middle classes .
16 The project was focused on improving fault-finding expertise in part of a largely automated , hot strip mill at British Steel .
17 It is also becoming clear that case management is often effected by the service context , so that , like other service components , it may work less well in poorly resourced areas , and better when it is an integral part of a well resourced network of services .
18 ‘ The package is available to all beef producers who want to be part of a well structured and disciplined production chain ’ , said , national livestock marketing manager .
19 The landscape , as part of a geologically young mountain region with steep slopes , is naturally predisposed to mass movement .
20 It forms part of a strikingly different range of designs called Italian Fruits — though this is the exception .
21 There are many fine performances of Sibelius No. 1 on the market , but it seems to me that two really stand out : the recently re-issued VPO/Maazel on the Decca ( part of a desirably all seven symphonies on ) , and the EMI BPO/Karajan ( also mid-price the Karelia Suite on ) .
22 ’ This fragment from the dead planet Ichael , ’ Posi then added , ’ is part of a nearly forgotten data package held at a university on Quarley 's World , a planet located on the Rim Beyond the Rim ’ .
23 It is also , however , just the sort of career that most physics students would n't dream of entering , being part of a predominantly female profession , low-paid and low-status .
24 Lord Tucker observed : ‘ I do not question that such a drastic step [ closure of the factory ] … may be required on the part of a reasonably prudent employer if the peril to his employees is sufficiently grave , and to this extent it must always be a question of degree , but , in my view , there was no evidence in the present case which could justify a finding of negligence for failure on the part of the respondents to take this step . ’
25 In parliament , opposition party tactics were to capitalize on popular discontent with government economic policy by opposing specific measures , such as price increases , on the grounds that they were either inopportune or part of a generally faulty government economic strategy .
26 He 'd raised his arms in a gesture of possession , and , even though she 'd known it was all part of a beautifully sculpted drama , Shannon had felt a thrill deep inside , as though she too were part of the kingdom the Viking had taken for his own .
27 His genesis was part of a much longer creative process and must be seen as the culmination of eleven centuries of English literary history .
28 The decision is part of a much wider shift in government thinking , in which Mr Patten has clearly been given Cabinet permission to distance his own policy from that of predecessors , such as Michael Heseltine , and , to a lesser extent , Mr Ridley , now Trade and Industry Secretary , who believed that economic success depended on getting the planner off the backs of business and citizen alike .
29 The submarine work is actually part of a much larger contract that we have with Israel to build three Corvettes for them , worth $300m ( £187m ) , at the Ingalls yards in Mississippi .
30 This is because the anthropology which they used and reinterpreted was part of a much wider work which went beyond and across any disciplinary boundaries .
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