Example sentences of "mean i [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I mean I keep on tell
2 I mean I keep on saying if I found I could n't do the maths I 'd ditched
3 And erm but I mean I remember when I I was doing er work with the Open University now I was a sort of er tutor with them or counsellor with them and I think we used to say ten to fifteen hours work a week
4 That really turned my stomach , even if , I mean I remember when I was carrying , when I was carrying the twins , and he used to go out huge things you know , and so much so that if he came home in the night , right , and I was already in bed asleep , I would be able to er , he would wake me in the bedroom cos I could smell smoke on him , but he did n't smoke , but where he 'd been the pub or a night club , I smelt
5 I mean I remember when I went , first went to my cheap caravan site where there is n't a toilet and you have to walk to the toilets , and I remember a couple of times when I was little , shitting my pants on the way to the toilets , you know , cos I could n't hold it in .
6 I mean I remember when I was at the New York Times and I wanted to use Cheltenham wide for a headline , Cheltenham bold well sort of bold wide , but it 's just called Cheltenham wide in the book , and because Cheltenham was always part of the New York Times library , whatever you call it , in the composing room .
7 out and never said ta ta to anyone , I mean I ran over and I said to mum he 's got a funny on , what do you think ?
8 I mean when I got , when I got here okay er when I was in the lower sixth and I like sort of got in and then like it was so weird being , I mean I 'd never been to a blokes ' school before I came here
9 I mean I looked out and thought well
10 Erm I mean I go up there
11 I mean I go off cleaning in a pair of tracksuit bottoms and her er
12 I mean I go back
13 Yeah if they if their churning out the stock that tu tend to churn out , I mean I go along for an enquiry for a few and find they 've got thousands in stock .
14 I mean I go out
15 I mean I shout up to the bathroom , I mean
16 I mean I did n't take a lot with me , I mean I took too much as it was and my arm carrying it across the Underground .
17 I mean I mean well in their house they 've got two bedrooms
18 I mean I mean how can people afford to do it Bet ?
19 I mean I mean obviously the it may be that erm there 's very little these days I 'm afraid which is an absolutely copper bottomed guarantee you know but if if if they were able to say well you know yes we do take people who 've got the exams you know we took somebody last year or whatever .
20 I mean I got pretty bad marks I find it difficult , find it very difficult .
21 I mean I like very much
22 But the , I mean I came home and they were under the hedge they were n't going through but there 's a big piece of netting has come down and it needs erm stitching up and then it needs sewing , not sewing erm
23 A man walked in and he says hello to John and that and how 's it going and that , he came into see you and I sat , I mean I came in
24 I mean I went straight in , tell me about your wife , I mean you could 've said well she 's not my wife
25 No , I mean I went in , I was talking to this , this bloke
26 Well probably in your early days you 'll probably do a mix , but if y the quicker you can get to only work , and even to the extent I mean I went out and bought my own book that had personal recommendations on the front and I would actually show that and say look John the only way I actually work , while I get everything ready you might like to look through because it 's the only way I work , I purely work on a personal recommendation basis and that enables me to get quality clients like yourself erm and I can devote time to you rather than have to go out looking for people to tell my story
27 I mean I went out because I mean
28 I do n't know I mean I prefer not to predict .
29 I mean I know when we moved house I had folder and one of each had got in it the recycling directory
30 I mean I know also one architects firm in Gloucester where I live .
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