Example sentences of "mean that [noun pl] can " in BNC.

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1 The technical accomplishments of modern medicine mean that doctors can often save the life of someone who in previous ages would have died .
2 Breakages Breakages and careless handling mean that items can not be sold .
3 Of course , while the wider range of lenders and mortgage products mean that borrowers can end up with a better deal than in the past , it also means spending more time and effort choosing the best mortgage for your particular circumstances .
4 The pricing policies of our car factories , which show very low profits , mean that foreigners can sell their vehicles in Britain at a higher profit than in their own home markets .
5 Replacement markets for many manufactured goods mean that consumers can postpone purchases more easily .
6 The new ruling will mean that companies can recoup some of their resulting high costs by selling the meat , which the Committee has decided is " perfectly normal " .
7 Do these words mean that judges can be dismissed by the Crown only upon an Address of both Houses ( with a direction to the Houses that they are not to present an Address unless the judge has misbehaved himself ) ?
8 Or do the words mean that judges can be dismissed by the Crown either if they have not behaved themselves ( e.g. been convicted of crime ) or on an Address of both Houses ?
9 As Lee ( 1984 , p. 5 ) suggests , ‘ on the face of it , the [ FMI ] should mean that ministers can not be held responsible for actions taken by their officials under the new delegated responsibilities ’ .
10 I would refer to the winner of ‘ Hands On ’ ( WW/April 91/p.398 ) does this now mean that screwdrivers can now be used for opening tins of paint with raising of eyebrows ?
11 This does not mean that plants can read our minds , just that they are sensitive to mood and general mental-emotional vibration .
12 This does not necessarily mean that pupils can not distinguish the 2-D from the 3-D shape — they may be using a more familiar name for dual reference — but it probably does mean that they have not formalized for themselves the relationships among the various features of cubes and pyramids .
13 Does this mean that bumble-bees can not fly ?
14 Night netting is by far the most successful aspect of all long-netting , but that does not mean that rabbits can not in some circumstances be netted in broad daylight .
15 The reduction in training places over the last two years has also meant that firms can now pick the cream of the universities ' output .
16 Economic reform has so far meant that Poles can gaze in wonderment at now well-stocked meat stalls they have no money to buy from .
17 A free runtime version of the program is also supplied which means that shows can be distributed to others without any royalty payments having to be made .
18 This means that students can take full advantage of the Faculty 's wide range of academic and material resources .
19 This means that customers can use X25 to establish Telnet sessions , as well as concurrently routing other traffic such as IPX over X25 .
20 Their relative independence of the councils which set them up means that deals can be negotiated and long-term arrangements achieved which do not depend on detailed discussion through council committee .
21 This means that photographers can shoot inside with available light , reach further into the dark with flash and use longer telephoto lenses with faster shutter speeds .
22 AEA 's extensive expertise and experience , and unrivalled access to the range of technology and systems needed , means that services can be tailored to meet precise requirements be it a single isolator or a comprehensive containment or a hazardous materials handling project for the pharmaceutical or process industry .
23 The great speed with which the computer carries out calculations means that experiments can be carried out quickly and cheaply .
24 Its great efficiency means that bulbs can be very small — a 500-watt halogen bulb is only about 7.5 cm ( 3 in ) long , and about the same thickness as a slim pencil or pen .
25 This means that leaks can be pin-pointed as well as identified .
26 A discretionary service means that decisions can be made without having to track the client down — ‘ it 's surprising how difficult it is to get hold of people ’ — before it 's too late .
27 Maastricht deals directly with its problem by giving new powers and scrutiny to the European Parliament which means that decisions can not be made unless both Council and Parliament agree .
28 This means that movements can be exactly repeated for matte purposes — in this case , camera movements , since it is easier to have the models stand still and move the camera on special tracks to create apparent movements .
29 This means that firms can not be sure that they will be protected from allegations of breach of fiduciary duty , merely because they comply with the rules of their regulator .
30 Use of PLATO has the disadvantage that special PLATO terminals have to be used for the instruction ; this means that users can not be taught in their own congressional offices and carry out the training as and when required .
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