Example sentences of "mean [that] [pron] 's " in BNC.

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1 Th the doctors over there need a lot to be desired , I mean that what 's , what 's his name the eldest son of er Jim and , Jim 's next door neighbours , what 's their , their names ?
2 Ah well I mean there 's of course well I mean that what 's it you know , it 's surprising how much , that Antiques Roadshow 's
3 ‘ He 's precisely what anyone would expect of a drop-out Phys Ed basketball-playing retard , ’ Ellen said scornfully , ‘ by which I mean that he 's a jock with the brains of a dung beetle .
4 I mean that there 's half of them go down the dock now , they do n't do anything .
5 Aye , well I mean that There 's there 's so many things that go through your mind that In a situation like that .
6 ‘ That form of music definitely works best when it is kept simple , which does n't , of course , mean that it 's easy to do ; being inventive within a restricted format is one of the hardest things to do .
7 Cleaning out that garage , honestly I mean that it 's , I 've never seen anything like it , he must of
8 Dr Anthony Storr , author of the recently-published Churchill 's Black Dog , in which he showed how senior politicans often turned stresses of up-bringing into strengths , said yesterday : ‘ I 'm interested because the gates must mean that she 's feeling increasingly insecure and threatened in a simple , straightforward way ; and that 's an interesting phenomenum in itself because she 's been so absolutely certain of herself .
9 I do n't think that erm , whatever womans sexuality does n't erm mean that she 's not gon na be a good mother , she could be a good mother , she could , you know just depends on the person , on the woman .
10 You can imagine how fascinated Rosette is by everything a woman like your mother does ; but that need n't mean that there 's much truth in what she tells one . ’
11 It does n't mean that there 's nothing left — necessarily .
12 As you know from our submission , sir , n we 've taken a more modest requirement for the Greater York area , and that 's based to some extent upon what we think is is achievable there , we 're not saying that erm the figure should not be higher , we 're not saying that the H B F figure for instance should nu not be er put in there , but what we 're saying is if that higher figure does go in because of the clear constraints on the provision of additional land the the higher figure may well mean that there 's a need for two new settlements ra rather than just one .
13 Feeding most species of marine fish is not therefore as simple as it may seem and even if a fish feeds eagerly , it does n't necessarily mean that it 's eating the right food .
14 Even though I make fun of it , and it 's not my favourite music , that does n't mean that it 's less valid than bands who last a long time , especially if it is enjoyed .
15 very clear , you 've got two officers with shotguns , do you mean that it 's just he gave his shotgun to him and vice versa or you nominated two different shotguns ?
16 ‘ Do you mean that he 's dead or that he 's gone away ? ’
17 Erm so anyway the fact that it did happen obviously means that something 's wrong even though I 'll argue that it did n't seem as bad as he was presenting .
18 That means that it 's practically impossible for a landowner to enforce restrictions unless you 're setting fire to his house or driving a JCB over his grouse moor .
19 Whether this means that it 's full of nubiles we 've no idea , but Matt does get his vocal chords out on the single 's B-side and contributes to the chorus of the band 's cover version of the old GRAM PARSONS chestnut ‘ Hot Burrito 2 ’ .
20 Whereas a system by thirds means that it 's unlikely that the council or at least a lot of councils , will suddenly have a quick switch around and you 'll get a greater continuity of policy .
21 sort of there 's a model , a conversational model and if it if it 's if it 's conversation is following a model then it 's It means that it 's running smoothly
22 And the fact that it 's got a B S label means that it 's the , the indigenous one to the U K really .
23 DISK : a data transfer rate of 995KB per second means that it 's fast , beaten only by caching IDE controllers and the Elonex machines on our meters .
24 The kick up design at the top of the rudder means that it 's particularly easy to fit on the beach .
25 Three to one , four to one , that simply means that it 's that much easier to pull everything in .
26 it means that it 's just , it 's a realization of , of the progression of communism is to establish a capitalist phase .
27 it 's twenty two so that means that it 's ten degrees ten above zero .
28 It just means that he 's — a lot of his time is taken up doing stats and it 's if he 's doing that he 's not doing something else .
29 Scrolling through the A2 's patches it soon becomes obvious that it 's crammed full of great sounds , although , as usual , some do need severely sorting out for ouput level , which means that there 's no escaping learning how to program the thing !
30 For a start , they do n't get paid , though they do receive a petrol allowance ; for another thing , it 's a bit like being in charge of a group of unruly children for a week , which , as anyone who has been a parent knows , means that there 's a lot of hard work involved and very little time for oneself .
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