Example sentences of "mean [is] that [conj] " in BNC.

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1 What I do mean is that although most women do hope for a happy and loving relationship with their husbands , the attainment of this is not the purpose of marriage .
2 It refers not to power but to authority , and what I think he means is that although a woman can make good and wise judgements , she can not be the arbiter of that goodness or wisdom .
3 What he means is that although in one sense the competitively won money is very desirable — it gives a terrific boost to Imperial 's research and , because many of the contracts are from industry , keeps the university closely in touch with the real world — it actually contributes next of nothing to the core costs of the college , of which , of course , academic salaries are the largest single component .
4 What this means is that if we want to make realistic comparisons between species we have to make allowance for differences in the sizes of the animals concerned .
5 What all this means is that if non-Tories get the bit between their teeth , they have a chance .
6 Use a little star to indicate which is the asymmetric centre which kiral centre and all it means is that if you were to dra , if you had a a kiral molecule in other words , it had four different groups attached to it what it means is that it and it 's mirror image , this is the way you actually draw it and answer the questions you draw you draw it as if there was a mirror image .
7 What it basically means is that if someone makes a gift during his lifetime and-does n't die for a given period , that gift is free of estate duty , or partly free .
8 What that means is that if you have a spontaneous abortion , you 're much more likely to abort a male than you are to abort a female .
9 the first thing that we , we , we would respect is and suggest and this is a course which has been offered erm , erm , in order of other cases , er , we should ask that the er because of the adjournment necessary for investigation , the , the money will attract interest and we would ask for an order that the erm , the plaintiff is entitled to interest at the special account rate on any lump sum hereafter ordered to be paid , now what that means is that if at the end of the day the instruction say goes off and the conventional lump sum order is made , we are entitled to interest on the whole of that lump sum , if on the other hand a structured settlement is put into position and er part is either applied to the purchase of the annuities , in the commercial way to try and settle it or taken it back by the health authority , in consideration for self funding structured settlement , then we would only get the interest on the actual cash we have been kept
10 What it means is that if you know that somebody 's or if you know somebody 's sex then you 've got a better than chance bet at guessing whether they smoke or not .
11 What that means is that when you 're facing up to foreign situations , you tend to pull together you tend not to divide you tend not to emphasise the differences between you .
12 What it means is that as life ‘ is not a single straight line ’ he does what he thinks must be done and what it is morally possible for him to do in situations of moral dilemma .
13 I mean is that because that because you 've made that one of the things you want to do , you want to avoid if possible or
14 I know , but what I mean is that when they see the city centre , the people who are walking up and down the city centre , they see all the national charities , they do n't necessarily feel that they 're organised in the same way and therefore that they should be participating , and the whole palaver of getting a licence and applying is actually quite difficult , it 's not a simple , it 's not something , we get numerous telephone calls in the office saying ‘ Well can I go out next Saturday and rattle a tin for such-and-such ’ , and you say ‘ Well , you ca n't ’ , and it 's left much too late , so that people do n't know about the way you get licenses to rattle tins in city centre .
15 What I mean is that if he gets hit in the body anywhere , any place above his balls , he is dead , no dispute .
16 What it seems to mean is that if this pump had been required in an emergency , it would not have been immediately available and although , after a lifetime in industry , I know that such errors and failure can and do happen , there is really no room for such occurrences in nuclear generation .
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