Example sentences of "become a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was in the course of a leisurely journey on the trans-Siberian Railway that he persuaded Wheeler-Bennett to devote himself to becoming a specialist on contemporary Germany .
2 Purpose-built as a bookshop at the turn of the century , the barrel-vaulted and galleried interior of DAUNT BOOKS , 83 Marylebone High Street , London W1 , is rapidly becoming a pole-star for both actual and armchair travellers .
3 With a ready-made story , it was impossible to have ‘ writer 's block ’ , but that did n't stop the work becoming a chore as the pages increased .
4 That 's why the early church assimilated existing magical beliefs and imagery ( often rooted in Celtic mythology ) , becoming a reservoir of the popular subconscious .
5 After working as a structural engineering designer he was a draughtsman with aircraft firms before becoming a lecturer at the University of Glasgow in civil engineering and aeronautics ( 1922–39 ) .
6 He worked at St Mary 's Hospital as assistant physician and lecturer in pathology and in 1866 graduated MD before returning to University College as professor of pathological anatomy in 1867 , becoming a physician to University College Hospital in 1878 .
7 She tried unsuccessfully to hide what she described as ‘ preposterous fear ’ , and I understood that her fear had no focus and no logic , but was becoming a state of mind .
8 Rock climbing is rapidly becoming a pariah among mountain activities .
9 Prior to becoming a stain on the moss ,
10 He matriculated at Jesus College , Cambridge , in 1659 , becoming a scholar in 1661 .
11 Innocent did not want the recognition of Frederick II to turn into a full-scale debate on the imperial title ( which Siegfried 's interruption threatened ) , though he was careful to allow Otto 's party to be heard in what was rapidly becoming a shouting-match between Otto 's supporters and Frederick 's representatives .
12 There is a radioactive process — beta decay — which enables one of the protons to shed its charge , in effect becoming a neutron at the instant of fusing ( the electrical charge being carried off by a positively charged form of the electron , known as a positron ) , the proton and neutron fusing to make a deuteron and liberating energy .
13 He also had a stab at writing for a living , becoming a reporter on the Bury Times , but he soon lost that job after trying to inject some of his flowery prose into a report on the funeral of a civic dignitary .
14 He 's very annoyed because his lack of education has prevented him from becoming a candidate for Swansea West in the general election .
15 Nigel Daly is becoming a name to be reckoned with among British furniture designers .
16 By the time I 'd asked him to come and play , he was already becoming a name in the pop music field .
17 Well it seems to me , sir , that er the new settlement is becoming a bit of a dustbin which people are throwing their unspent allocations in , and then passing it around from district to district
18 Whats more he s becoming a bit of a crowd favourite .
19 It was quite entertaining yesterday , today 's becoming a bit of a bore because the tapes only last forty five minutes , so you 've got
20 We 'll also be keeping you in touch with the second replay of the first qualifying round of the F A Cup which is taking place at Fort Meadow between Buckingham Town and Brackley Town ; it 's becoming a bit of a saga , the previous two matches ended one all draws .
21 Much as poetry was becoming a part of him , his most natural form of self-expression , and the one that reached him first , was music ; side-by-side they were to advance with him throughout his developing days and early professional life .
22 When you touched it with the edge of your hand , your skin felt as though it had become attached so that you were in danger of becoming a part of Mrs Parvis 's table for ever .
23 They have thought of existence , in the way that others have thought of light , as something that permeates all things without becoming a part of them .
24 She was only half alive , an empty shell who 'd sought to hide her deficiencies by becoming a part of a team , but it had n't worked .
25 Nightingale had been her father 's amah for five years , and was younger than Rachel , but was hard-working and loyal , kept the villa as clean as a new pin , and was becoming a part of the family .
26 By taking over Thames , the firm has taken a big step towards becoming a powerhouse in British television .
27 We 're becoming a kind of hen-party .
28 Evidently it did not occur to him that it could also have been a case of the mastery of English becoming a kind of weapon in the mouths of the dispossessed .
29 Genoa boasted a powerful ancient landed nobility whose surplus wealth helped to give it the capital for its commercial enterprises ; but it also needed to import food and raw materials from elsewhere , and enjoyed a powerful economic motive for becoming a centre of commerce .
30 Mr Amir Kaisary , consultant urologist at London 's Royal Free Hospital NHS Trust , which is becoming a centre of excellence for the diagnosis and treatment of prostate disease , says : ‘ To screen nationally or not to screen is very much open to debate .
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