Example sentences of "government [pron] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Papandreou reckons that this would allow EC governments which already ban or severely limit promotion of the killer weed to block imports of magazines which carry cigarette advertisements .
2 Although changes in attitude are notoriously slow there are now some firms and local governments which positively avoid specifying age in their job advertisements .
3 Just as ideas of precedence between states could be adjusted in practice to cope with the growing importance of the Dutch republic or Savoy , so governments which really wanted to negotiate could always find ways of doing so which side- stepped difficulties of ceremonial and procedure .
4 In the formation of governments which then present a clear policy programme , the performances of British and American parties are quite different , owing to the significant differences between the British parliamentary system of government and the American presidential system .
5 Included in this last group is , for example , the ‘ insurance principle ’ in social security , adopted in variety of ways by various governments who clearly attempted to learn from each other 's experiences .
6 Will he also explain why we have one of the few remaining Governments who still refuse to give legal protection to workers when they take legitimate and justified industrial action ?
7 We are forced to conclude that while the main argument does confer qualified and partial authority on just governments it invariably fails to justify the claims to authority which these governments make for themselves .
8 Although this will now be index-linked to the rate of inflation , it was the government which finally decided the base figure ( £65 ) .
9 Here is an example of a political decision being taken at the highest level by an elected government which nevertheless felt itself to be more or less powerless in relation to a large transnational company .
10 The chance was not high , though that never deterred a gambler , and the real winner was always the government which thus borrowed the punters ' money interest-free .
11 Perhaps because they were suddenly aware that Madrid could fall to the rebels at any moment , or perhaps because they felt more confident with a government which now included representatives of all the Popular Front forces and the anarchists , the Republican troops rallied at that point and managed to slow down the Army of Africa 's advance on the capital .
12 In the event , when insurrections were attempted both in the area of Lang Son , on the Chinese border , in September , and in Cochinchina in November , they were repressed with little difficulty by the French colonial government which still deployed enough effective power to ensure that these were rather rash , forlorn , and certainly premature insurrections .
13 This is attributed to the ‘ own affairs ’ constitution of the government which still stands even today .
14 The government announced on July 24 that it had signed a bilateral anti-drug accord with the United States government which specifically linked the fight against drug trafficking with that against domestic guerrilla insurgency [ see pp. 38187-88 for May outline agreement ] .
15 All three associations are firmly divided along party-political lines ( Isaac-Henry , 1984 ) ; there is thus no single united voice of local government which further reduces local government 's impact upon Whitehall .
16 The Argentine agreement was thwarted largely by the March 1962 coup which brought to power a right-wing military government which promptly suspended the 1953 trade agreement with the USSR .
17 Only a government which really works to promote free enterprise can provide the right conditions for that dream to come true . ’
18 Is it not clear that , in the light of all these industrial failures , it is the failure of the Government which really needs to be brought to account , and that it is the Government 's task to put things right ?
19 Is that not merely a last act of spite by a Government who still bear a grudge against London ?
20 For the vast majority of these people , unemployment is a direct consequence of a government who only cares about those who have , and could not care less about those who have not .
21 I mean the question that has to be faced is that when you talk about cutting the costs in local government you also have to talk about the services which councils deliver , and you ca n't get something for nothing .
22 Thus , in local government we often find charts modelled on the pattern indicated in the Bains Report ( 1972 ) on the management and structure of local authorities .
23 More importantly , in return for supporting the Government they also extracted a promise that Scotland 's representation on this potentially very powerful body will comprise at least one representative of each of Scotland 's four major parties .
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