Example sentences of "oh no he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And Oh No he said , this 'll be good , you know .
2 It 's staying on the dual carriageway , well I went round Steven 's to see if he thought to tow it round mine cos the already been on my back once oh no he said I 've only just walked in from work I 'm having my tea then I 'm going to bed he said , there 's no way I 'm towing no motor for the he said , just f off !
3 They sent him home from school or something , send him straight home from school and er , do n't know I suppose take him to hospital today and then , I assume they 've got to bring him home and he said oh no he said you have n't got to take me home he said cos the boy 's got to be from school , come round tomorrow and pick you up
4 Oh no he said , I said because they got a funeral on , he said that 's what we 've coming for , we 're coming to pick granddad up .
5 and said can I have some money for me tonight , I said well I was gon na get a cheque out the Abbey National , he said oh no he said work day to day and I thought oh
6 That 's right , made a cup of coffee and that and then , he was , just came back and she said you have n't finished , he said yes , she said I did n't hear you knocking , oh no he said , well I built it all , you know , it 's all ready made and I built it ready for the bolts and , oh I thought you would of been knocking , I 've got some knocking here you know
7 Oh no he said , there 's er there wo n't be any furniture moving from there or to there .
8 Oh no he told
9 they 've gave us since we 've been creating that much she 's had been in to see Mr she said and he says oh no he says er that 's not right Brenda , he says er mine are all guaranteed until they 're earning that money he says you ca n't just do it
10 I mean you , you ask him if he 'd erm arranged for a cement mixer and he said oh no he did n't want to bother , but I thought afterwards that 'll be each one of those holes , he
11 Paul again when he 's writing to the Philippians , in chapter four and verse thirteen , he says I can do all things , oh how arrogant of you Paul , how boastful you are , oh no he did n't just finish there did he , he says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me , and writing to the Romans in that tremendous eighth chapter of Romans and verse thirty seven he says in all these things , in all the problems of life , in all the difficulties and all the temptations , in all the pressures that we are called to go through he says , in all of these things we overwhelmingly concur , we are triumphant he says , how , through him who loved us .
12 Oh no he stood up .
13 Oh no he knows and that he 's still shy mum .
14 Oh no he 's dug up all the leaves !
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