Example sentences of "show that she [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 In Franklin 's draft , she had deduced that the phosphate groups of the backbone lay on the outside , and the bases on the inside , of the double helix ; and her notebooks show that she had already formed the notion of base interchangeability .
2 The notebooks also show that she had grasped that the A form contained two strands running in opposite directions , but she had not then understood the exact relation between the A and B forms .
3 Brenda could n't manage a smile , but she shut her lips tight to keep herself from crying — which the Brownie Guider noticed , although she did n't show that she had .
4 Chrissie can not deny that she took the items , but she might well argue that she thought Fred had the authority to let her have them , and unless we can show that she had been told otherwise our prosecution might well fail , especially since the law traditionally recognizes that ‘ perks ’ are a feature of the catering industry .
5 Obviously he had n't liked it , because it showed that she understood his motives only too well .
6 Like Faith , the Magdalene showed that she had come of her own wish by performing many miracles of healing and other good works ; and her church became one of the most popular centres of pilgrimage in Europe .
7 The tests showed that she had inoperable lung cancer .
8 ‘ Tests showed that she had this condition , and it has deteriorated over the years .
9 By the Monday , an ultrasound scan showed that she had miscarried one baby — but that another was still there .
10 Her family believed she should be ‘ in a home ’ but she did not : though just a little forgetful , with the help of an interdisciplinary team she showed that she had kept enough living skills to get home again .
11 I am advised that doctors at the Queen Elizabeth II hospital have confirmed that Carley could not have been transferred when the hospital test results showed that she had meningitis and the test results were available within one hour of Carley 's admission .
12 Janet Ford , a Senior Lecturer in Sociology at Loughborough University , preferred to call it ‘ The Indebted Society ’ , the title of the book she wrote in 1988 , but her sub-title ‘ Credit and Default in the 1980S ’ showed that she meant overindebted .
13 She enjoyed the pleasures of court life as much as her daughter ; and the woman who rejected Henry VIII 's proposal by saying that although she was a tall woman she had a little neck , showed that she did not lack wit .
14 I had promised to go round the shops looking for something suitable , since my mother had shown that she wished to accompany me .
15 I do not consider that it has been shown that she exercised her discretion inappropriately or wrongly .
16 Treitel ( 8th ed. ) , p. 87 says of Ward v. Byham : ‘ One basis of the decision is that the mother had provided consideration by showing that she had made the child happy , etc. : in this way she can be said to have conferred a factual benefit on the father , even though she may not have suffered any detriment . ’
17 Mala looked a little tense , showing that she 'd forgotten as well .
18 It would n't be difficult to show that she wished me ill .
19 At her trial , Jean Campbell pleaded not guilty by signs and gestures interpreted by Robert Kinniburgh , and went on to show that she knew the difference between right and wrong , was indignant at the imputation of having murdered her child , and that she had a notion of what marriage was by signing the ring on her finger and removing it , and going away .
20 One moment he had McAllister in his arms , soft and willing , making relatively innocent love to her , and while her response had been gentle , rather than passionate — which was to be expected — there had been nothing to show that she had not welcomed it .
21 And — oh , she also wanted — no , desired — to stroke his smiling face , to run the tips of her fingers gently along the dreadful scar to show that she loved every part of him , to …
22 She laughed and touched Harvey 's arm to show that she did n't mean it .
23 Full skirts — goodness knows how many petticoats made walking very hard , so all this almost enforced leisure upon them , and this was again part of the duty of the woman to show that she did n't need to work , she did n't in fact even have to lift a finger because the man or her servants would do all this for her .
24 There was no need to show that she foresaw the possibility of some harm .
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