Example sentences of "show that [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Ohio-valley dwellers of this time were farmers , and pollen tests show that they grew the crop .
2 Furthermore , and even more important , various writers clearly show that they thought of England as a nation .
3 The magnificence of the houses the merchants built for themselves show that they had an eye for artistic effect as well as financial security .
4 The Government 's own dietary surveys of British school children show that they eat too many crisps , chips , biscuits and chocolates and very little fresh food .
5 Proof of being a good person seems to me to be when other people show that they like , love or respect you .
6 Observations show that they persist in waking periodically , even if remaining quiet , and the establishment of uninterrupted night-time sleep is uncommon before three months of age .
7 Two fifteenth-century archbishops of Canterbury , Chichele and Bourchier , write of ‘ the Church of England ’ in terms which show that they regarded it as a distinctive entity within the Church Universal , and one in which they could take considerable national pride .
8 Many teenage children feel unable to talk to parents about intimate or emotional issues but it is important to be ready to talk , if they show that they want to .
9 Analyses of Chinese statues and coins show that they did not make much use of brass until about the sixteenth century AD .
10 They can , it is suggested , " by voting 1 , 2 , 3 … for candidates of Party A and then going on to those of Party B … show that they consider these parties have much in common and should work together " .
11 Wary babies show that they have learnt to react as adults do to disturbing social intrusions ‘ where they are approached regardless of their wishes and whether or not they provide appropriate invitational cues ’ .
12 Conservative Members ' speeches today show that they have not learnt the lesson of their hatred of local government .
13 The statistics for ’ dangerous occurrences ’ show that they have been increasing during the past few years — so there is no ground for complacency .
14 Pointing to the Conservative Party 's own canvassing returns which show that they have a 20pc lead over Labour he added : ‘ Our own returns based on a sample twenty times the size of The Northern Echo survey show a quite different picture .
15 Pointing to the Conservative Party 's own canvassing returns which show that they have a 20pc lead over Labour he added : ‘ Our own returns based on a sample twenty times the size of The Northern Echo survey show a quite different picture .
16 The dodgy S & M imagery of ‘ Raping A Slave ’ ( actually a meditation on power and work ) and other included tracks form the ‘ Young God ’ EP and the still-withering power of ‘ Cop ’ ( ‘ Nobody burns your skin off like a cop ’ ) amidst the all-powerful monotony show that we 've lost something along the way .
17 We entered the very horse show that we had to sit out the year before .
18 My conviction is that as we take action , and show that we mean business , we will find that it is at that point precisely that the Holy Spirit comes to help us in our weakness and change everything from a mechanical discipline to an encounter with the living God .
19 Our statistics show that we consume all that we 're capable of producing , yet we 're investing less and less in new capacity to produce .
20 But when we have got such a satisfactory outcome , unless subsequent events show that we have got it wrong , or that we have wrongly read the environment or some other major change , we would aim to stick with it for some years .
21 It is also evident in the overall figures , which show that we have attracted almost 40 per cent .
22 Is my hon. Friend aware that there was a serious fall-off in the number of people presenting themselves for eye tests for a considerable period after the charges were introduced and that the current figures show that we have not yet made up that gap ?
23 Clearly the riots and the er secrecy that the Home Office tried to surround those riots with , er show that we do have to have an ombudsman .
24 Even when you have decided a broad direction , and I should emphasize that it is only possible to set ambitions in a broad sense and only helpful so to do , there will inevitably come times when external events show that one has made a false assessment of one 's starting point or the ability of one 's competitors , known or unsuspected , to seize the initiative .
25 A booklet put out in 1900 by the Franco-American Food Company of Jersey City made the point that its canned tomato soup was a spiced rather than a sweet one , " and our increasing sales of this variety show that it suits the taste of the majority .
26 Detailed analysis of the remaining 75 per cent is not possible here but official statistics show that it relied heavily on soft markets desperate for basic manufactured goods .
27 Tests show that it shoots out at only slightly less than the UK speed limit in built-up areas — namely twenty-eight miles an hour .
28 In addition , recent calculations of the total plume heat flux show that it matches the expected heat flux from the Earth 's core .
29 This is the set of numbers greater than 8 , and we show that it keeps on getting bigger , by placing a row of dots after 12 .
30 The Bank of England 's new accounts show that it made provisions of £115m ( $100m ) in 1991–92 , against losses incurred in propping up small banks after the collapse of BCCI .
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