Example sentences of "feel they were [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Despite all the sparks they had struck off one another she had felt they were forging a deep friendship based on mutual respect and acknowledgement of each other 's special qualities .
2 He became the characters in Homer or the tragedies , and made his audience feel they were seeing the drama as well as listening to an interpretation .
3 By comparison with other European empires overseas , the English could feel they were doing well enough .
4 It is not surprising that so many North Americans feel they were born to shop .
5 As a result , the city councillors feel they were misled ; but , says Fohrbeck , ‘ One 's faith is one 's own affair ’ , and she quotes the preamble to the German Constitution .
6 They 're all members of the British Nuclear Test Veteran Association which has campaigned for the last ten years to get recognition for its members , who feel they were used as human guinea pigs .
7 It was also that free admission was part of the great Victorian philanthropic tradition , part of the vision of Britain which the Establishment felt they were called to safeguard .
8 I felt they were looking for any excuse to start a fight .
9 But I really felt they were looking at me .
10 That was a great week because they felt they were getting it for nothing , till it come to the end of the quarter and then they had to pay it .
11 erm I suppose that would mean if they felt they were taking up so much of their time that they could n't do what they considered to be their job properly , and if they felt that I think the parents were persisting and insisting that their own children got more attention than the school could really afford to give them if they were going to be fair to everyone .
12 Ivy , however , did not like friends dying ; it made her angry if she felt they were leaving her too soon .
13 The most worrying aspect of all , for Corby , however , was that many parents felt they were kept in the dark about what was happening , so that while there were exceptions , and in some cases social workers had gone to great lengths to explain the system and the likely outcomes , in two cases the parents were not aware until later in the process that they and their children were the subjects of child abuse investigations .
14 Ever felt they were trying to tell you something …
15 She felt they were slipping back to their earlier life .
16 It was no empty show or flippant rehearsal of an ancient practice : they were in deadly earnest , serious and secret about everything concerning the frog 's bone , mainly because they felt they were dealing with something that was dangerous .
17 Thus two speakers who normally use hardly any Creole forms might feel they were " chatting Patois " when they were actually using fewer Creole tokens than two heavy Creole users who felt they were speaking " ordinary English . "
18 The thing that worked best when we were going through an investigation was to get individual kids to come and explain it … mind you they made such a racket applauding them when they 'd finished etc. , but I felt they were listening more carefully to them than they were to me !
19 Another , who works in a uniform all day , said how important her earrings were , and the short dreadlocks under her hat ; how she felt they were making a statement for her , something like : you may think I 'm an ordinary , boring nurse , but my hair and my earrings give you the clues ; this is what I 'm like out of my uniform , I 'm different , I 'm me .
20 There was no government policy to fundamentally tackle unemployment and seen against that background , many at the meeting felt they were playing a game .
21 Overall , the vast majority of the older age groups , 91 per cent of those aged 65 — 74 and 88 per cent of those aged 75 + , felt they were leading a fairly or very healthy life .
22 Mr Bell accused Northumbrian Water of being ‘ high handed ’ in the way it implemented the change and said many tenants felt they were having to pay about £5 a week extra .
23 Undoubtedly , he was a conservative captain rather than an adventurous one — James records that Worrell once said to him ‘ In cricket you leave well alone ’ , which , James felt , went deep into his method as a captain — but , for all that , he was not afraid of making changes if he felt they were needed .
24 The Women 's Timber Corps always felt they were undervalued .
25 Out of the many false starts her life had made she felt they were witnessing this pure beginning that she would seize and make true .
26 Officially , the force was supposed to go in by invitation only ; avoid looking like the heavy mob ; and not humiliate authorities which felt they were hounded because they were struggling to cope on their own .
27 Scottish teachers , like their counterparts south of the border , were seeking better pay and conditions ; but the Scottish dispute was also a massive protest at the rapid rate of educational change and at the way in which teachers felt they were expected to carry forward developments without adequate support .
28 Those who have been immensely blamed , or felt they were blamed , may well marry a blaming partner .
29 They felt they were working hard enough to make their hearts stronger and at the same time they were stretching their bodies sufficiently to reach their deeper muscles .
30 Providers felt they were working against each other to capture trainees to ensure their own survival .
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