Example sentences of "feel that [pron] was " in BNC.

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1 She knew rather than felt that she was very tired and recognized the symptoms of an overstimulated brain in an exhausted body , the restless limbs and inability to get comfortable .
2 Her father , himself ten years older than her mother , seemed more concerned about his daughter marrying a man who was seventeen years older than her , and had felt that she was entering into the marriage largely because of the misfortune that had afflicted her family .
3 She had felt that she was prying into Elise 's life , but it had to be done .
4 I 've always felt that I was raised in the land of melody but I certainly was n't raised in the land of rhythm so I 'm always attracted to good dance music .
5 From the time that my colleagues in the House of Commons did me the honour of electing me to be their leader I have felt that I was in the position of a trustee ; and even throughout the war the one thing that I have aimed at constantly has been to preserve .
6 It was the kind of illogical fear of the supernatural that in others made me sneer ; but all along I had felt that I was invited not out of hospitality , but for some other reason .
7 Then she apologises , draws hard on a Marlboro Light and says , ’ I 've never felt that I was extraordinary looking , just conventionally pretty .
8 I explained that I had felt that it was the right thing to do ; it expressed what I felt .
9 It was also felt that it was a company which nobody could attack on the grounds of political bias in favour of the project — if anything , thought Walsh , the other way round , after he had seen a portrait of Margaret Thatcher prominently displayed in its Ealing headquarters .
10 The emphasis was upon local government because it was felt that it was easier to develop a comparative analysis drawing upon the considerable number of studies of local decision making in Britain and the United States .
11 Team manager John Birch ( who shortly afterwards rocked the county by resigning , a few days after signing a new three-year contract ) explained : ‘ I have always felt that it was contrary to the best interests of a professional game to operate with a mainly semi-professional staff .
12 ‘ I do n't think Simone would have mentioned it if she had n't felt that it was for your own good , ’ he murmured .
13 He had felt that he was in the presence of something that wished him harm ; some malign , unseen enemy who wanted to scare him into leaving .
14 JH : Moving on to another great love of yours , Franz Schubert ; I have always felt that he was in many ways cut short in his prime , almost as thought he was on the verge of finding himself creatively .
15 But he had felt that he was still the same Mark Underwood , drearily going through the motions of belief instead of drearily going through the motions of disbelief ; that the searing , galvanic experience men called conversion was like an unexploded bomb ticking away inside him .
16 All Marion 's life he had grumbled about being both a father and a mother to her and when she was small she had felt that he was cross with her .
17 When watching parliamentary television , I have not often felt that there was an unfair political balance and none of the Members I interviewed raised this matter , except that one Liberal Democrat believed that the smaller parties were squeezed out of live coverage on Tuesdays and Thursdays .
18 It was not until the effects of R.A. Smith 's surveys of the evidence county by county , which appeared in the Victoria County History during the years 1900–26 , had been fully felt that there was any appreciable advance .
19 Generally it was felt that there was a lack of quality control of ACE schemes being quite good but the majority being of poor quality with poor working conditions , bad pay and often inadequate training .
20 For the past two years I 've felt that there was something odd in some of the accounts .
21 The question of interim control over nuclear weapons in Ukraine had been removed from the agenda after preparatory Foreign and Defence Ministers ' meetings on July 3-4 ( not including Moldova 's Defence Minister ) , as it was felt that there was no likelihood of an agreement at the summit .
22 They reported on discussions with the Directorate , heads of departments and central services , the Academic Board , the governors and members of the local education authority : ‘ the visiting party believed that the Polytechnic had made real and substantial progress and had felt that there was a different atmosphere from that encountered by the visiting party the previous year .
23 It may well be he felt that there was n't necessarily the full authority of the city council and administration sub committee .
24 I suspect from what I heard in conversation from others in other presbyteries is that many of them were in favour of change , but simply did not feel that what was proposed was an improvement to what we have already .
25 Karl patted her arm , making Erika feel that she was deeply in the wrong but was being forgiven .
26 Their solicitude made Franca feel that she was going to faint .
27 She then had to visualize walking slowly towards them , knowing that she could stop whenever she wanted to so that she did not feel that she was being compelled to go near these birds .
28 But Margaret knew nothing about it , and therefore she could hardly feel that she was a real Dame .
29 She could feel that she was already soaking wet as she nuzzled up to him like a happy , purring cat .
30 A respectable woman who has been ravished would hardly feel that she was vindicated by being told that her assailant must go unpunished because he believed , quite unreasonably , that she was consenting to sexual intercourse with him .
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