Example sentences of "feel [that] i [be] " in BNC.

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1 So often , in all this , I have felt that I am nothing .
2 I 've always felt that I was raised in the land of melody but I certainly was n't raised in the land of rhythm so I 'm always attracted to good dance music .
3 From the time that my colleagues in the House of Commons did me the honour of electing me to be their leader I have felt that I was in the position of a trustee ; and even throughout the war the one thing that I have aimed at constantly has been to preserve .
4 It was the kind of illogical fear of the supernatural that in others made me sneer ; but all along I had felt that I was invited not out of hospitality , but for some other reason .
5 Then she apologises , draws hard on a Marlboro Light and says , ’ I 've never felt that I was extraordinary looking , just conventionally pretty .
6 I can not feel that I am truly mistress here , while your mother is in residence .
7 Well on , I do it the right way , because I do n't always feel that I am doing it the right way .
8 You see , I 've had a few quite long relationships before but , although I think the world of this young lady and love her deeply , I do n't feel that I am the marrying kind .
9 No mater what the book is — marxist polemic , feminist social criticism , or a gothic romance — and no matter that I take notes on three-by-five notecards ranged on top of the heater with my mug and my biscuits , I still do not feel that I 'm working .
10 There are , there are other ways to come by children , erm I have a relationship with a man who has three children erm he 's been married , he 's divorced , separated , and I do n't feel that I 'm replacing the children 's own mother , I feel like I 'm not even stepmother , I 'm just their friend , get on very well with them , and we we share I share mothering , if you like , with their own mother whom they see .
11 When he put down the phone , he said , " Really , sir , you make me feel that I 'm behaving like a suspect . "
12 You see this is the thing that worries me because , you know , when I stand up and say I like what John Dreyfus did and I think his looks very good and I maintain the traditions of the Oxford University Press , I can suddenly feel that I 'm being typecast as being in the English tradition of typography as a revered art and the Morrisonian thing and the whole thing separate from , you know , a culture within a culture and a separate thing .
13 ‘ Keith felt very , very sorry for David and he always made me feel that I was a real bastard .
14 The study of the Buddha made me feel that I was in the presence of a very great religious teacher , a man of great compassion , who diagnosed man 's original trouble as greed , desire , attachment , the escape from which was the treading of the Noble Eightfold Path .
15 It was important that they should feel that I was healthy and happy .
16 Er , I vividly remember my , my wedding day , and the bit I remember most is actually waiting to go into church with my father , and I remember being particularly moved at that time thinking that that was the end of one era and about to become part of another and I did n't feel that I was being owned somebody and about to be owned by anyone else in the slightest !
17 The dryness in his voice made me feel that I was being very naive .
18 I do feel that I was introduced into it perhaps gradually erm on on a on the retail side er but sales is gon na be my career with .
19 ‘ You would n't feel that I was letting you down if I did n't go to veterinary college ? ’ she asked — and felt the happiest she had done in weeks at his reply .
20 ‘ I now feel that I am back to the form I had three years ago , and after my performances in Ireland , I feel I can win the Paris-Tours classic next Saturday , ’ he said .
21 But I feel that I am now in the way of bringing him to me since I have a house and am no longer in service and need only to arrange to have him brought over .
22 And now at last I feel that I am emerging from the defilements , I have reached my own self as a swimmer reaches the shore .
23 I always feel that I am as good as anyone else .
24 Darling darling , I feel that I am the luckiest man on earth and I want you to know that I know I am .
25 ‘ Sometimes I feel that I am imprisoned there .
26 " I enjoy playing in Europe and still feel that I am learning all the time .
27 ‘ I feel that I am , as you might say , in loco parentis .
28 ‘ I now feel that I 'm getting to be somebody in my own right , and not someone my mother wanted me to be . ’
29 I felt that with the new knowledge I had gained about my diet I was eating sensibly , I no longer crave sweet foods , chocolate and alcohol and I feel that I 'm physically on an even keel now .
30 I feel that I 'm in a rainbow , that the rain will stop , the light will change , and it 'll vanish and I 'll never be certain it was ever there .
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