Example sentences of "might be [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 But the income of the council house tenant might be exactly the same .
2 However , the association between homosexuality and femininity is not necessarily insulting to either ; on the contrary , as Kaja Silverman shows , there are ways in which it might be just the reverse , especially when we contest the stereotypes of both .
3 But on the other hand , as much as Novell might be just the right tug boat to guide Unix to safe harbour , much of the industry 's optimism stems from the fact that Unix is no longer in AT&T 's hands .
4 " I 've been thinking , it might be just the kind of Political party I 've been looking for .
5 I thought to myself , Computers are in danger of making people furious , but the theatre as a job of work might be just the meat . ’
6 If Inchbad married Flame , it would be a very special occasion indeed ; it might be just the occasion when they would want a dish or two of roast Gnome and , more to the point , it would get the Gruagach out of paying for the new Crown Jewels .
7 A new insurance policy launched for the first time at the London Boat Show might be just the thing many long distance sailors are looking for .
8 Merrill breathed , sensing that this , at last , might be just the breakthrough she was looking for .
9 The 100MHz DX2 will need a 50MHz motherboard , so Atomstyle 's 50MHz unit might be just the thing to upgrade a little further down the road if you 're a real speed freak , but I have the sneaking suspicion that you wo n't either want or need to .
10 From what you 've told me , your mother sounds as if she might be just the right person for the job . ’
11 It is safest to assume , therefore , that whereas the Lion and Stag mosaic might be predominantly the work of a craftsmen who was also present at North Leigh , the same proximity of relationship can not be postulated for the Oceanus mosaic .
12 Closing my eyes , thinking that it might be either the sun or the Pernod , I waited a few seconds and chanced another look .
13 ‘ Polymorphous Roth ’ might be nearer the mark .
14 The Chinese word ma might be a loan word , it might be coincidentally the same , or the similarity might arise from another factor .
15 There are as many of these sorts of guides as literature guides , and one may pose the question more acutely , why are so many of the publications virtually the same ( even in one library there might be virtually the same guide on bibliographical references ) ?
16 he might be home the weekend
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