Example sentences of "might also [verb] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 However , wind and storms might also upset Re 's boat , so having fulfilled his purpose Seth chased away and the solar barque sailed majestically onwards .
2 Some GGFs might also inhibit Schwann cell proliferation , for example the isoform represented in part by the splicing pattern of GGFBPP1 .
3 Recent laboratory tests have shown that lapachol might also inhibit Trypanosoma cruzi , the protozoan that causes Chagas ' disease .
4 The Floating Church for Seamen was not the only example … there were inventions that might also serve God : the pews for the use of the deaf , for example , which could be connected to the pulpit with gutta-percha pipes .
5 The status quo was unbearable and the Government 's lack of interest might also endanger John .
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