Example sentences of "might [not/n't] have [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The aim was to confine attention to people who had frequent contact with the dementia sufferer , rather than interviewing all nearest relatives , who might or might not have contact with him or her .
2 also do a compress on the file afterwards to save bandwith when sending to other unix-systems ( ie ‘ compress strach.gif.UU ’ — the new file will be called strach.gif.UU.Z ) ( do net send the compressed version to people with PC 's — they might not have programs to uncompress it )
3 They persisted with such vigour that he confusedly and confusingly hinted — by virtue of what he did n't say — that he and his England players might not have ben completely satisfied that Waqar and Akram were swinging the old ball through conventional means .
4 ‘ If I 'd known my score was 4998 not 496 I might not have runs at all . ’
5 Anyone who has contact with the real world knows that sometimes the management might not have confidence in the work force and the work force might not have confidence in the management .
6 Anyone who has contact with the real world knows that sometimes the management might not have confidence in the work force and the work force might not have confidence in the management .
7 Five minutes , before you start it though now that it might not apply to you , you might not have control over training , and perhaps down the left hand side you put well what methods do they use and you might put the other side then you go back and suggest to your boss will you alright .
8 He did n't like the sound of that much , so he changed his mind and said he might not have time , anyway , after his other reading in a church hall .
9 As we are all busy people we might not have time to repeat the picture onto a larger surface .
10 She rang the Sunday Herald number , placating her conscience with the thought that she might not have time to ring Tracey that evening after all ; but when she got through to the news desk , she discovered that he had taken the shuttle to Glasgow the morning before .
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