Example sentences of "might [verb] it [be] " in BNC.

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1 However , what might affect it is if at the time of the making of the contract the parties make an agreement about delivery and/ or payment , e.g. that they be postponed .
2 ‘ She thinks you might think it 's Angharad .
3 So whilst you might think it 's a nice idea to make a change to some procedure or work instruction or whatever you want to call it , there may be the odd occasion on which it 's not actually possible to bring in a change because we 're faced with still er meeting the requirements in the base er I S O Nine Thousand document .
4 You might think it 's a sordid way to raise it , but at least it 's quick . ’
5 Now it 's especially for people who are black or Asian because a lot of the time they miss out on the opportunities that are available to a lot of other people because of things like language barriers and although you might think it 's unfair it 's not actually illegal .
6 ’ People might think it 's odd that I have this rich , famous dad and still end up sleeping rough .
7 Even though you might think it 's
8 The fish might think it 's food ?
9 Mr said he did n't have the heart to tell them how , you might think it 's good value but he did n't when he 'd only paid fifteen pounds fifty a ticket .
10 you are the reason why I left the school , you know , none of the girls are happy by their upper sixth , in the lower sixth you might think it 's alright but by the time
11 This fact becomes clear if one imagines an institution called The Anarchic University or Polytechnic ( some academics might think it is a fair description of their own ) .
12 Tonight , not an easy word to spell I mean you might think it is but a lot of people spell it incorrectly .
13 If you consider that such-and-such crime has not been committed , or that such-and-such defence is not available ( though an ignorant person might think it is ) , do not pass it by in silence but state your opinion expressly .
14 And the answer to the questioner is n't , is n't an arcane as you might think it is .
15 In the year 2040 our children and our descendants might think it was an ‘ extreme case ’ not to have begun to take action to reduce nitrate pollution half a century earlier .
16 ‘ If you had not been told otherwise , you might think it was all a terrific affectation — this old woman from the Dales with the luminescent skin , the saintly set of the features and the clothes from the pile which even the rag-and-bone man would probably not take … .
17 ‘ You 're not saying they might think it was one of us ?
18 ‘ I can see how you might think it was insincere , but that was n't how it seemed to me at the time .
19 I mean , erm , if you did n't know it was meant to be serious , you might think it was a great send off of psychoanalysis , you know .
20 I thought you might think it was funny , to catch your spook in a mousetrap — ’
21 Now , if child survival were simply a question of affluence as you might think it was , there 's no way you could explain these figures .
22 ‘ Killers are usually stupid but some people might think it was a clever move to do just that .
23 I 'm deeply sad that he feels like that and I would hope that when it happens , he might feel it 's not quite so bad and that he might change his mind .
24 In English this does not necessarily happen , although one might claim it is precisely this device which good story-tellers invoke , even in English .
25 Erm but one , one one , I mean cl clearly the policy which was pursued was one of inequality and there was a rich peasant economy and either you say well yes there is , there is an economic imperative for that and that 's the explanation or you say well there might have been a political factor involved in this that there was a recognition that progress was going to come through class conflict and therefore if you are actually promoting the kind of you might realize it was happening and you might be more prepared
26 Now when he might dare it was too late .
27 You might guess it was my dad who first pointed out this odd ( and classically Chaotic ) phenomenon and brought it to the attention of us kids .
28 Erm , and it was n't written in Marseilles , although the Marsei , the word Marseillaise , might suggest it was written in Marseilles .
29 I presume she feared — rightly , I suspect — that in some schools where children spoke in dialect the teachers might decide it was never appropriate .
30 The first place most people might take it is a Caribbean island where the sun never goes down and the rum prices never go up .
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