Example sentences of "might [verb] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 DEC 's input into the product will be in the fields of usability , multi-media and document management , but the company is also considering how X.desktop might relate more closely to its other desktop platform , Microsoft Windows and NT .
2 He might remain up here indefinitely without anyone noticing his feeble signals !
3 One day they might slow right down and start to fall back again — like a stone thrown into the air — it slows down , pauses for a moment , and then falls back again .
4 Scientists at the Medical Research Council ( MRC ) reported that a link might exist as long ago as 1968 .
5 The things that work — harvest festivals , Armistice Sunday , pancakes on Shrove Tuesday , all the details about who sits where at weddings and how you do that kind of thing — things which I suppose the more strictly religious people might regard as rather to one side of the central questions .
6 In South Africa , you might think just about everyone owns a Rottweiler — especially if you read the small ads in the papers , where owners lament their loss and sign themselves ‘ Devastated Rotty Lover ’ .
7 And you might think well where are we going to put the scale ?
8 If Mum thought I was scruffy , Nat , Aldo , Jimmy and Ben might think so too .
9 But just in case they do n't , we 've been busy cooking up campaigns that even Tory Central Office and Labour HQ might think twice about .
10 He might behave more impulsively though I could be mistaken .
11 We fought for them to come to the Assembly , where they could speak their minds and meet the Africans they never meet , and together listen to the Almighty Who might know better even than they what is best for the country .
12 I am thinking here of topics which still reflect our interests but might include more on , say , conservation , microscopy , taxonomic computing , and other new areas we might be moving towards .
13 This conveyed almost the speaking tone of the writer , as he might glance up impishly from one of his colloquies with the carpet .
14 A more complex syntactic component might need both more grammatical information and more time to make a decision .
15 Mr Godfray also suggested that the constructive approach would be to stress to MPs the importance of books in education and training — two of the government 's pet issues — rather than concentrating on an anti-VAT message , which might fall on rather deafer ears .
16 I 'm just afraid he might fall over again and hurt himself . ’
17 However , on the medical practice side okay they feel that may be somebody with you background might suit there better .
18 I shall examine this question in more detail in the chapters in Part 3 , but meanwhile we might consider briefly how different approaches to language pedagogy in general can be characterized in reference to this question .
19 Upon this ground alone I venture to think that your Lordship 's House might consider very seriously whether you are justified in passing this Bill into Law …
20 It was the path from my cottage , and I remembered the little cove called Halfway House , a cove where in any weather a boat might tie up safely and its owner make his way round to Taigh na Tuir .
21 Stavov supports Van Laue argues that the only way Russia might advance fast enough to avoid the disaster of inevitable global conflict was through a ‘ totalitarian planned economy ’ .
22 Even here a word of caution is necessary , for although medieval writers employed the Roman calendar they sometimes reckoned the Kalend , None and Ide elements in reverse order ; so that , for example , 14 January might appear not as XIX Kal Feb but as Pridi Kal Feb ( prima die kalendarum Feb ) .
23 The meeting heard outline proposals by President Mikhail Gorbachev for a new union treaty , which would transform the Soviet Union into a " union of sovereign states " in which some republics might continue to give up many powers to the centre , as in the current federal structure , while others might give up virtually none , as in a confederation .
24 Afraid she might give in quickly and completely if she stayed here any longer , she made a dash for the door .
25 But even in such an unfavourable atmosphere , a work like Wagner 's Lohengrin ( first produced in 1850 ) might succeed in momentarily startling the more sensitive members of the public into a true response .
26 One of the tarts might do later on but not to settle him in .
27 If determination and persistence guarantee results , that is another typical Strudwick statement ‘ the guys up North ’ might do well not to ignore .
28 " You might do well enough , but I would n't .
29 The British sales rep might do even better out of this system than the current one — and grandees would do worse .
30 I mean th they , they might do n't necessarily see why it 's improving and what 's behind it , but their lot must improve if there 's industrialization and weapons and things to be made , that they they have jobs and presumably have more money than they had before when they were just sort of not doing very much .
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