Example sentences of "seem to have [been] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 It erm I suppose released a great deal of pressure that seemed to have been building up .
2 Although everyone somehow seemed to have been looking the other way at the time , the young man 's explanation was accepted and written down in his file to make it true .
3 They seemed to have been stumbling through pitch blackness for hours now .
4 He seemed to have been moving for an immeasurable time .
5 Their clothes were an abrasive barrier between them , and her hands were as urgent as his as she peeled off the same black dress she seemed to have been wearing for the past century .
6 She was even paler than usual , and seemed to have been crying .
7 He was wiping blood from his face and seemed to have been fighting .
8 People seemed to have been disappearing all the afternoon , one after another .
9 Headland has persuasively argued that , just as with the pygmies above , there was just not enough food for such groups in the forest itself ; in this case , the people seemed to have been trading wild meat for goods including carbohydrate and , indeed , may have grown it themselves in the past .
10 Plan A almost fell at the first fence as Trippy and the rest of the squat seemed to have been having an end-of-season sale in Trippy 's medicine chest .
11 The guard seemed to have been daydreaming when the two scientists approached .
12 Dudley Ford had his suspicions and the police seemed to have been doing a pretty thorough job on him … but Doug Wilson believed that Shergold lacked the nerve and she was inclined to agree with him .
13 Alex Household had been excellent in the part , but , in retrospect , he seemed to have been giving an actor 's interpretation of a man fifteen years older than himself .
14 He seemed to have been driving for ever .
15 Jessamy suddenly grew tired of the silly games that everyone seemed to have been playing with her lately .
16 Marius Steen , the giant who seemed to have been looming over his life now for a week was about to be confronted .
17 Deep inside she seemed to have been waiting like some long-ago damsel in distress , waiting for her knight to rescue her .
18 Almost at once Ruth felt as if she were sliding into a dream ; the glade vanished behind them , and soon she seemed to have been walking this path all her life , through the vista of trees , with the tip of Fand 's spear faintly gleaming , and Adam ahead of her , treading like a king .
19 Dickerson and Lee seem to have been saving Malcolm X up for years ; they were buddies at film school .
20 In fact , ever since the beginning of the year you seem to have been toying with the idea of making a major career move or change of residence and what transpires sometimes between October 29 and November 3 should enable you to rebuild and reshape your life — and the past with all its traumas and dramas will be placed in their true perspective , if not forgotten altogether .
21 I seem to have been blathering on and on .
22 Amis has only three definite things in his life ; his skills , his van , and his career plan , and all of them seem to have been taking a beating over the past few weeks .
23 Following on from the evidence of tension in Permian Europe , in the Trias there seem to have been rifting structures everywhere , such as , for example , the horst and graben structures of the Midland coalfields of England .
24 You seem to have been avoiding me since lunch . ’
25 Yet so far I seem to have been treating nothing worse than chicken pox and ‘ flu .
26 You seem to have been doing rather well out of those . ’
27 Firms within the zones seem to have been doing better than equivalent companies elsewhere .
28 The heaviest copper head from Ife weighs almost 7 kg so the Ife smiths seem to have been working at the limits of this technique .
29 Pitmen in Northumberland and Durham were working six or seven hours in 1765 but seem to have been working at least eight by the end of the century , as Whitehaven 's colliers had already been doing in 1765 .
30 They seem to have been missing in action , releasing a couple of singles off the last album without providing any back-up tours to promote them .
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