Example sentences of "seem to have [vb pp] with " in BNC.

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1 The North Sea crossing seemed to have disagreed with her , and the journey in the coach to Brussels had not improved her nausea .
2 This stage of the palaver seemed to have ended with four soldiers dead , the capital under curfew and the general back in his palace .
3 Frank seemed to have scored with the young lady too — some things never change .
4 Dinosaurs also had a larger digestive tract that seemed to have co-evolved with the changes in Earth 's flora and fauna .
5 The Iranians , concerned by what Reagan seemed to have done with their wish-list of missiles , wanted to be convinced that they had ‘ something in hand ’ .
6 He had learned one vital piece of information where Riddle went on the night of his disappearance — and he had no wish to persecute these youngsters , who seemed to have acted with good intentions .
7 On project management , many SSDs seem to have struggled with the notion that the changes should be led by a dedicated manager and teams with specific responsibilities and timescales .
8 Such low relief is found in Greek art too ; but Greek sculptors seem to have begun with free-standing statues , and when they came to relief their approach was affected by the conventions of that art .
9 ‘ You seem to have dealt with it without too many problems .
10 ‘ They seem to have brought with them a complete breakdown in the moral order .
11 The whales seem to have fought with squid at least 25 metres long .
12 It did n't last ; his alienation from England seems to have coincided with an alienation from Dorothy , for within five years he had a child by Olga Rudge .
13 Burrows seems to have lived with his material for so long that he has forgotten to throw out enough clues for the rest of us , and there are few hints as to why certain sequences are so important that they should be repeated over and over again But what constantly saves the piece from disappearing into itself is the obliquely moving nature of the central relationship and some patchy but startlingly lovely dance images .
14 Some ferries have been ‘ Jumbo-ised ’ — cut in half , and an extra bit stuck in the middle — and most are roomier than their predecessors , though deck space seems to have diminished with the years : action now takes place indoors .
15 This seems to have emerged with greatest sharpness in an area marked simultaneously by the most advanced commercial wealth in Europe and the absence of an established State : the seventeen provinces of the Low Countries , the possessions of the Habsburg dynasty .
16 The move to the Inn on the Lake seems to have met with a favourable response from students ; the pub has been described as a ‘ nice place to work ’ .
17 On her arrival in France , Isabella seems to have associated with some of the exiles who had fled there after Boroughbridge .
18 BLACK VELVET Rivera S120 Stack Given that the guitar world seems to have voted with its feet and demonstrated a fondness for valves which to the average electronics engineer defies reason , where else is there left for amp designers to go … ?
19 A misunderstanding then seems to have occurred with Fimbra writing to its members last week saying that its scheme had not been altered in any way and that members could not renew existing policies if the renewal date was after 1990 .
20 That 's what seems to have happened with the Dersinghams . ’
21 In work on anaphor resolution , the democratic approach seems to have originated with the non-computational work of Kantor ( 1977 ) , who defined ‘ concept activatedness ’ as the net effect of a variety of different factors .
22 ‘ Aaron seems to have coped with the accident and put it to the back of his mind , ’ she added .
23 ‘ Blenkinsop is being extremely co-operative , and while I admit that his conversion into an upright citizen seems to have come with indecent haste , nevertheless , he was oddly compelling . ’
24 She seems to have dealt with it in a remarkably successful manner .
25 Generally he seems to have dealt with those who came to him with requests by saying that he would do something for them , and then repeating this promise whenever he had to , postponing action for as long as possible .
26 When Bradbury died before the age of thirty , most of the interest in the process seems to have perished with him .
27 In particular , he seems to have clashed with the IS lobby , with its own project-related concept of study skills and its conviction that it alone had the knowledge and experience in this field .
28 Even Gloucester 's attack on their inheritance , usually a sensitive issue with the political community , does not seem to have met with resistance .
29 Even Gloucester 's attack on their inheritance , usually a sensitive issue with the political community , does not seem to have met with resistance .
30 The assumption that Gloucester would be a more satisfactory component of royal authority in Wales proved justified , and on the rare occasions for which evidence survives he does seem to have co-operated with the council .
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