Example sentences of "seem [to-vb] from [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Mystery seemed to flow from her ; it clothed her like the veil she wore , which of course heightened the effect .
2 So great was her disappointment that all life seemed to drain from her .
3 He seemed to go from her for a moment , then he recollected where he was .
4 ‘ They seemed to benefit from it considerably , ’ he said .
5 Staring at him , at the strength , the energy that always seemed to radiate from him despite his easy , relaxed air , she did n't believe a word of it .
6 Her skin was still white , though a sort of heat seemed to radiate from her now , something which he caught and felt , became infected by .
7 His eyes looked small and yellow , set in a tracery of deepening lines which seemed to radiate from his eyes like waves in a small still pool .
8 As though the very lamps in the gleaming candelabra were powered by the electricity that seemed to radiate from his skin .
9 That strength of mind one could sense below the surface , that glow of authority that seemed to radiate from his skin .
10 It is said that after Waterloo , ‘ the fire seemed to vanish from his speeches ’ .
11 For whatever it was in Underwood that attracted Clare , and that he himself lacked , seemed to derive from what she would call Underwood 's ‘ experience ’ , his ‘ maturity ’ — which meant quite simply , his sin .
12 Her black hair seemed to gush from her scalp and her blue eyes were never still , constantly on the lookout for the next opportunity , the next adventure .
13 Carey could n't tell what had been said ; the words were spoken far back in Ellwood 's throat and seemed to gush from his mouth and nose like a great gulp of water swallowed too hastily .
14 Perhaps his greatest failing was his eternal , often unfounded , optimism , which seemed to stem from his belief that he had been chosen by God to ‘ do much good and benefit ’ to his country .
15 But as she spoke , the fear seemed to lift from her .
16 Once the difficult letter was written and posted , a weight seemed to lift from her , and Luce felt almost light-hearted as Michele and she ate a tasty lunch at a small trattoria .
17 ‘ Andy used to tell me that he ought to be called ‘ Boo Linighan ’ because boos were all he seemed to get from our fans — but he 'll deservedly be a hero now , ’ beamed captain Tony Adams after becoming the first man ever to lift both the League and FA Cups in the same season .
18 A flow of love and light and warmth seemed to move from his hard nearness into her own body .
19 She could think of no reason why he should take the trouble nor of anything he seemed to want from her with which to persuade him .
20 A coil of heat seemed to rise from her thighs to her stomach , spreading up to her breasts .
21 It was n't just the overwhelming sense of power that seemed to emanate from him as he stood there , it was something in the startlingly blue eyes which raked her slender figure and delicate features with an intensity that almost took her breath away .
22 Michelangelo 's works have a strong , peculiar and marked character : they seem to proceed from his own mind entirely , and that mind so rich and abundant , that he never needed , or seems to disdain , to look abroad for foreign help .
23 But after the first few meetings … well , the people there are nice enough … it 's just that we never seem to hear from them between our quarterly meetings " .
24 It 's a small , firm lump and seems to slip from my fingers when I try to feel it .
25 ‘ Sexuality ’ has in many ways been most resistant to this challenge , precisely because its power seems to derive from our biological being , but there have recently been several sustained challenges to sexual essentialism , from quite different theoretical approaches : the interactionist ( associated particularly with the work of Gagnon and Simon , and in Britain Kenneth Plummer ) ; the psychoanalytic ( associated with the reinterpretation of Freud initiated by Jacques Lacan , and taken up by feminist writers such as Juliet Mitchell ) ; and the discursive , taking as its starting point the work of Michel Foucault .
26 He is confined to a wheelchair , can not speak , and can only move x number of fingers ( where x seems to vary from one to three , according to which inaccurate article the reviewer read about me ) .
27 The ideological postures , currently being enacted within the National Front , may throw light upon the important question raised earlier : why should fascist groups cling to their traditions of antisemitism , even though no direct political advantage would seem to accrue from their continuation ?
28 It would seem to follow from our convictions about fairness that legislation on these moral issues should be a matter not just of enforcing the will of the numerical majority , as if its view were unanimous , but of trades and compromises so that each body of opinion is represented , to a degree that matches its numbers , in the final result .
29 They stopped just beyond the steps of the food office and , all the irritation seeming to flow from him , he looked at her meekly now as he said , ‘ I may not see you again for weeks .
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