Example sentences of "number [prep] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Every member will be sent an enrolment package that includes a membership card , notification of the Business Direct Freephone number for bookings etc , and a selection of directories in an attractive and useful binder .
2 In this way four new ‘ D ’ numbers for theses previously lacking them were recovered .
3 The table shows the latest numbers for contributions so far , set roughly against ability to pay and interest in the Gulf measured by reliance on imported oil .
4 Eighty-five Sussex parishes received a questionnaire with a number of queries specifically aimed at the 1830 troubles .
5 For the last thing I wish to see alongside skimping on the police is local authorities reducing the number of teachers where they are needed to teach pupils .
6 The exceptions relating to this section are very important and refer to a number of activities usually carried out whilst on holiday .
7 Now that scientific tests of the new sidehandled baton have been completed , they will be tried out by a number of forces as soon as possible .
8 Meanwhile , emergency control boards were established at a number of mines where strikes had been continuing .
9 A number of offences frequently encountered in the field of public order prohibit interference with a police officer in the execution of his duty .
10 Further studies investigate what occurs when a person is faced with a number of faces simultaneously from which one or more may be recognised .
11 The chief value of the computer in this instance lies in its ability to search a large number of records very quickly .
12 The highest number of trams ever operated on the system in one day was 224 cars on September 14th 1935 : this included 25 cars on hire from Lytham St. Annes .
13 The dock strike failed because the transport workers did not have the strength to defend the labour monopoly enjoyed by registered dockers in a number of ports once the Government removed its statutory underpinning .
14 However , when the message did not allow unambiguous identification but instead could have referred to one of two items in the array , the number of shifts almost doubled in number .
15 The strike was never solid , supported by all NUM members , and as it progressed so the number of miners still holding out diminished .
16 So the same kind of stark opposition grew up between orthodoxy and rationalism on the matter of miracles as on the authority of the Bible ; and the issues raised then have surfaced again in a number of forms since .
17 It 's vitally important that when you 're doing it I 'll do it up here that you have the dots , you have the spacing , you have the correct number of lines underneath , you have the accidentals , you have the accents , you have the phrase mark and so on .
18 It is free-format text , and can be any number of lines long .
19 an increasing number of buses now include additional passenger safety features
20 The number of births soon began to fall dramatically — by the early 1980s it was only two-thirds of the figure reached twenty years earlier ; car ownership did not increase at the expected rate — due in part to the sharp increase in Petrol prices in the early 1970s ; the demand for higher standards conflicted from the mid-1970s with central government 's belief that local government expenditure needed to be curtailed in line with a monetarist approach to economic policy .
21 This tends to increase the number of offspring successfully reared by the beaver .
22 Among the former the number of fledglings produced per pair on average was 1.1 and the average number of offspring still alive after three months after fledging was 0.5 ( n = 47 ) .
23 In the small number of institutions where the DipHE was established and survived there was both strong commitment and , at least initially , interest by schools , further education colleges and the press .
24 It has been piloted and commented on in a number of institutions already .
25 This produced a spectacular decline in the number of birds successfully reared and eventually in the total population of adult birds .
26 To provide … the best chance of pregnancy , all the eggs should be fertilised and the required number of embryos immediately transplanted . ’
27 A number of agreements otherwise falling within the ambit of the CCA 1974 are exempted under s16 of the Act .
28 In the US Congress the House banking committee , chaired by Henry Gonzalez , was one of a number of committees now investigating the question of why the US government 's Commodity Credit Corp .
29 Okay , but I just wanted to go on to say that I think in reviewing how the budget may be brought more closely under control in the coming year , officers will need to look at the erm size of the committees because we are working with committees at the moment that are larger than those committees which used to exist when this year 's budget was set and that has had some impact and we need to have the implications of any change of committee size whether that might affect the budget , how that would affect the budget , also whether there is any potential for reducing the number of committees further and also whether the rates might be changed , I particularly would like officers to report on what , whether there would be any significant saving from er setting the rates at the round figures they were at a couple of years ago erm
30 On his first visit to Sir Stephen Fox 's Manor Farm House , King William III described the house as perfectly fine and he made a number of visits there .
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