Example sentences of "woman who [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 She was a somewhat intense woman who probably rather enjoyed such gatherings , but I 've often wondered if she secretly used them as a ruse to get her husband home to mind the little one while she nipped out for a breather .
2 It was the woman who once more , secretly ,
3 There were , in short , pious men and women who not only failed to find it blasphemous , but regarded it as an integral part of their belief — as integral , say , as Peter 's role is to the Church of Rome .
4 Saturday morning pictures provided confirming images of women who not only worked hard , earned a living , but who carried a gun into the bargain .
5 Then she lay down to rest in the lounge , surrounded by other women who even here never stopped talking .
6 The journeymen were reluctant to give way on the question though , since the seven years was still a way of controlling entry to the profession — a proposition brutally shaken by the entry of women who hardly ever served " full " apprenticeships .
7 After years of listening to and reading Anglo-Saxon women letting it all hang out , it was refreshing to be among women who so rigorously kept it all in .
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