Example sentences of "woman [prep] the [adv] " in BNC.

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1 They had enjoyed a happy day and it seemed to Carrie that Seb had noticed her , really noticed her , as a young woman for the very first time .
2 The captain 's wife , a woman of the most extreme ugliness , smiled toothlessly at me .
3 Once more the search is on for the woman with the most beautiful hair — could it be you ?
4 Most significant of all , this 1964 picture starred the woman with the most notable breasts in British movie history , yet who always managed — if only just and with the aid of her equally pretty hands — to keep them to herself , Barbara Windsor .
5 Here , for example , we meet a very ordinary young woman with the very extraordinary name of Damaris Tighe .
6 ‘ Would you just mind taking my money then I can go , ’ bellowed one woman in the now lengthening queue .
7 Well seriously Cass like the only thing like that I 've ever said about you like is that one day in the classroom right there was this picture of this naked woman on the right ?
8 And the presence of Holly-jack — evergreen woman among the slowly transforming Scarag — was familiar to him ; there was a story-cycle about her , but he did n't know the details .
9 Western scientists have no qualms about testing drugs on women of the so named ‘ third world ’ before they are deemed safe to use on their own women .
10 Women like the ever thrifty Madge .
11 Often , too , it describes lesbianism as the epitome of the woman-centred approach , as if , by carrying identification with women into the most intimate areas of experience , lesbians crystallize feminist resistance : ‘ A lesbian is the rage of all women condensed to the point of explosion ’ ( Radicalesbians 1973 : 471 ) .
12 Ah shit , says Brad , the repulsive orderly , there 's nothing wrong with them — meaning the women in the shelter-that a good six inches wo n't cure .
13 This could simply be an artefact of the differential age distribution of the sexes for , as we saw in Chapter 2 , there are more women in the very elderly age groups .
14 With severe skills shortages looming , UK companies must promote more women to the most senior positions if they are to stand any chance of competing globally in the next century .
15 It further shows a preponderance of women among the very old ( 90+ ) group , where they outnumbered men by 16:1 .
16 ON December 14 TODAY warned of the threat posed to women by the dangerously short sentence given to the multiple rapist Dr Thomas Courtney .
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