Example sentences of "woman [prep] the year " in BNC.

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1 In 1988 she was involved in another controversy , in a row over nomination for Portugal 's candidate as ‘ European Woman of the Year ’ , a prize sponsored by the EC .
2 The Veuve Clicquot Business Woman of the Year Award has had a happier track record .
3 Gilligan was even named woman of the year by Ms magazine in 1984 .
4 Just as Jose-Maria Olazabal burst into tears for letting squeaky-clean David Frost ‘ steal ’ the final Bophuthatswana Sun City million with a last-hole birdie , I was thinking about 50 year old Angela Uzielli , winner of the Daily Telegraph Woman of the Year Award .
5 Angela Uzielli with her Woman of the Year Trophy
6 LIVERPOOL 'S former Lord Mayor , Councillor Rosie Cooper , was in London this afternoon to receive her award as a national Catholic Woman of the Year .
7 Mrs Anthony Wheatley , committee member of the Catholic Woman of the Year awards , said : ‘ Cllr Cooper was one of 73 people nominated .
8 Mrs Wheatley said Cllr Cooper was the unanimous choice of the panel for public-spirited Catholic Woman Of The Year .
9 And this was the day to do it the Women of the North lunch in Harrogate , like the Woman of the Year in London ‘ only much friendlier and more fun ’ according to a lady who 'd been to both .
10 A COURAGEOUS Open University graduate , virtually blind as well as dyslexic , became the first North Wales Woman of the Year yesterday .
11 Mrs Pat Taylor , of Prestatyn , was one of 100 women nominated to attend the first North Wales Woman of the Year lunch , at the Kinmel Manor Hotel , Abergele , which raised £10,000 for the work of the children 's charity , Barnardos , in Wales .
12 Pat Taylor , centre , receives her Woman of the year ceramic bowl from the Marchioness , watched by Priscilla Hodgson of Barnardos Picture : COLIN PAXTON
13 But one day in 1977 a rather special envelope arrived , bearing an engraved card inviting me to be a guest of honour at the Women of the Year lunch at the Savoy Hotel in London .
14 He was preparing a series of six documentaries with the overall title of Once in a Lifetime and said the situation regarding the Women of the Year lunch fitted in perfectly .
15 Well , it was absolute chaos when I went down to the Press reception before the Women of the Year lunch .
16 Catholic Women of the Year luncheon
17 I write to ask your readers for nominations for the Catholic Women of the Year .
18 It has become a happy annual event where Catholic women can meet and discuss subjects of interest and honour the chosen women of the year .
19 Just under half of the housewives ( 49% ) agree with Barbara Cartland and Lady Lothian ( organiser of the Women Of The Year lunches and patron of the National Council of Women ) that theirs should be a salaried job .
20 The Industrial Society has suggested half the management positions should be filled by women by the year 2000 .
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