Example sentences of "group of [noun pl] on " in BNC.

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1 Groups of questions on similar tasks were prefaced by a statement of their nature ( e.g. " The next two questions are about change from 50p " ) .
2 Some groups of signs on the Phaistos Disc are repeated ; these may be refrains , suggesting a song or hymn , or they may simply be recurring words .
3 In Casearia corymbosa ( Flacourtiaceae ) , for instance , there are ecologically distinct groups of birds on the different sides of a mountain range in Costa Rica .
4 Its membership , appointed for renewable four-year terms , has grown over the years and has proved , as it was intended to be , a useful sounding board , especially as it quickly subdivided itself into specialist groups of experts on specific topics — in which , in fact , most of the work of the Committee was to be done .
5 She always began her delivery among the less picturesque groups of cottages on the south side of the green .
6 Groups of soldiers on the streets of Plzeň , lounging or looking in shop windows .
7 The principle of Speedlink is that train sections are exchanged at specified groups of sidings on the network , rather than individual wagons sorted at full-scale marshalling yards .
8 They tested the comprehension and recall of matched groups of subjects on a simple passage .
9 We would not wish groups of policemen on Ardakke , prying into our lives .
10 Whilst most teachers would view with distaste the ascription of such ‘ global ’ traits to whole groups of children on the basis of class ( Nick , being working class , tends to be rather slaphappy ! ) , or race ( Anne 's an immigrant , immigrants try so much harder ) .
11 Beyond that I believe we can not go , although there are occasionally tantalizing groups of poems on related themes , either brought together by the editor/printer or composed as deliberate variations on a theme , and perhaps copied out on a ‘ sheet ’ of paper , folio size , folded ( which we know was a unit of composition and occasionally payment in Elizabethan poetry and drama ) .
12 This is his argument , quoted above , that the two different groups of headlines on sheet E arose because the printer ran off a small number of copies of the book for sale while the opera was being presented and finished the edition later .
13 GERMAN researchers have found a technique to ‘ switch on ’ small groups of atoms on the surface of a crystal .
14 At a press conference on May 2 President Vaclav Havel said that he thought that racist attacks by groups of skinheads on Romanies , Vietnamese guest workers and other members of racial minorities were being provoked by supporters or agents of the former communist regime , who were also engaging in disinformation about the situation in the country .
15 where the , where the main lines were , or they could look and see erm , what do you call them , those groups of trees on tops of hills they used
16 As for indirect taxation , estimated Engel curves relate the expenditure of groups of households on taxed goods to total expenditure .
17 That seemed to sum it up , and Lydia left for home , driving slowly because of the sheep , the young pheasants , the occasional rabbit and the small groups of tourists on their way to view some antiquity or item of rustic charm who variously loped , flapped , skittered and scuttled before her .
18 In April 1914 , George Younger wrote in Our Flag about " Radical " Buy " Election promises " and cited ten cases from the past six years when Liberal by-election candidates had made promises to local groups of voters on behalf of the government promises of a change in policy to benefit local crafts or industry or employment .
19 The crocodilians are surely one of the most successful groups of animals on earth .
20 Some mornings we galloped over the open plain below the Legation ; at that hour the tracks were threaded with groups of villagers on their way to market in Addis Ababa .
21 Although some building work had taken place in the pre-Severan period , notably two groups of temples on the south side of the east-west street , the main impetus to rebuild came under that emperor .
22 The correlations for subtests of groups of items on a particular topic were mostly between 0.6 and 0.8 , although two were 0.4 and 0.5 respectively .
23 And had not a pupil of the Arden Convent school complained that he had pinched her bottom while conducting a group of girls on a tour round the Palace of Westminster ?
24 What worried me in looking at the Franks Report is that it was the same group of ministers on the same committee that were dealing with the big issues of war and peace in Middle Europe , with the procurement of nuclear weapons systems .
25 ( Sources : Association for the Conservation of Energy ; report of Commonwealth group of experts on climate change ; paper by Dr F. Kenneth Hare at 1988 Toronto conference on climate change ; report of IPCC Scientific Assessment Group ; paper by Dr J.T. Houghton of the Meteorological Office ; and Dr Pier Vellinga , Director of the National Climate Change Programme , The Hague . )
26 Recognizing the need for the development of international law on liability and compensation arising from the transport or disposal of hazardous wastes , the resolution requested UNEP to set up a working group of experts on this issue .
27 Berry explained : ‘ We got into base camp with the group of trekkers on May 8 and one of the first people I ran into was Krishchaty , just by chance .
28 To me the small group of birds on the sand-spit looked just like little terns , but it is a bird I have never seen in Shetland , so I am not familiar with it .
29 Fighting , stealing , homicide and rape were usually either individual initiatives or a group of friends on the rampage .
30 So you would feel equally at home there with a group of friends on a night out or just popping in for a quiet drink and a chat .
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