Example sentences of "group [prep] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There was , however , growing pressure from radical groups for Iran to form such an Islamic alliance ; former Interior Minister Ali Akbar Mohtashemi said on Jan. 20 that " the Iranian nation has a religious duty to rise for a jihad " [ see also p. 37696 ] .
2 The tutorial groups for students taking one of three courses are arbitrarily labelled A , B , … ,
3 Classes already used to working in groups for mathematics have no problem .
4 The opportunity provided by groups for individuals to share their problems with other ageing people can help to recontextualize individual feelings of helplessness , and assist in refocusing their minds more positively on the prospects of the future .
5 Also , the sphincter pressure profile before operation in patients over 50 did not differ significantly from the profile before operation in patients under 50 : nor did the pressure profiles of the two groups after operation differ significantly .
6 We have only to look at the string of sell-offs of assets of the former National Bus Company groups after privatisation to demonstrate conclusively that those are not far-fetched fears or exaggerated concerns .
7 Two groups of rats received 14 sessions of habituation training in context A with a light as the target stimulus .
8 Two groups of rats received initial Pavlovian training with two auditory stimuli , A ( a burst of white noise ) and B ( e.g. a tone ) .
9 Two groups of rats received initial training in which presentations of each of three auditory stimuli occurred .
10 Collective Unified Expression ( CUE , an accident , honest ! ) is the cogs of small groups of life meshing in the machine that turns out Evolution Progress .
11 So we 'll have groups of teams coming along for an hour at a time and hopefully we 'll , you know , keep the impetus going through the day by doing that .
12 Besides these main groups of effects arising from visual disabilities there are other , sometimes additional , factors which can influence visual behaviour .
13 Some groups of consonants sound similar and therefore could easily be misheard , they look different and feel different when you say them .
14 Two distinct groups of tracheae enter the wing a costo-radial group and a cubito-anal group , and while in some forms ( Blattidae , Plecoptera and Homoptera ) the two groups remain separate , it is more usual for them to be united by a fine transverse basal trachea which is part of the basic tracheal framework ( Whitten , 1962 ) .
15 Rory straightened his tie , and with his whisky still burning in his throat , and now his stomach too , he moved along to the gap in the curtains and slid through , back into the ballroom , where people sat drinking at long wooden tables and groups of dancers went whirling round in complicated , ever-changing patterns , all flowing dresses and clasping hands and big red sweaty faces and white shirts and ties and narrow trousers or — even worse — kilts .
16 Each group was led by a soloist representing the leader of a particular orchestral section so that as the themes were taken up by first one and then another section , the various groups of dancers joined in .
17 Brass bands , jazz bands , school bands and groups of dancers have been booked to perform each lunchtime at three Chelmsford venues up to and including Saturday .
18 Out of 157 Kalam names , 96 applied to species , and 13 more to groups of species forming valid taxa in our system .
19 Use at least single letters or groups of letters to represent whole words or parts of words .
20 Phonic refers to 'sounding out' : the relationship between letters or groups of letters written down , and how one says them when reading aloud .
21 People strolled past without giving him a second look — couples hand in hand , families with pushchairs , groups of friends looking for a good spot to picnic .
22 She watched groups of people come round the winners , groups of friends going into the two pubs on the harbour street , people hailing each other , saving places of vantage on the wall for their friends .
23 If you are familiar with the term " jigsaw listening " you will know that this involves groups of students listening to different versions of a story on audio .
24 Groups of students complained about their Chinese teachers failing to conduct lessons properly because of their preoccupation with TOEFL .
25 It is not altogether clear to what extent these figures reflect high non-completion rates , particularly in the first year , or whether they reflect continuing problems which some groups of students experience throughout their careers in higher education .
26 Student Enterprise projects are also being funded , allowing groups of students to develop their own projects which develop these essential skills .
27 Durant and Fabb claim that Literary studies in action is a pedagogical tool which can be used either by individual students or groups of students working in isolation , or as a course book .
28 The Student Enterprise Officer has also been heavily involved in the evaluation process of Enterprise and Modularisation by interviewing groups of students to gauge their opinions of the development and assessment of Enterprise content within modules .
29 Although a major part of the work is concerned with the marking of tuition tests , tutors may also be invited to conduct Tutorial Classes , at which small groups of students meet a tutor at regular intervals , for Subjects 7–10 of the Institute examinations .
30 Although it was usually specific issues which drove groups of students to write dazibao and hold demonstrations , as in the mid-1980s , the more general themes of democracy , free speech and human rights were also present .
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