Example sentences of "each time he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Twice the doctor had tried to push his arm inside her to turn the child and each time he had failed .
2 Twice he had been torpedoed , and each time he had finally been picked up ; then on PQ 17 , when the destroyers left and they had been ordered to scatter …
3 Each time he had given a little shrug , as though to say , ‘ We 'll see ’ , and left it at that .
4 Wanting to keep her for himself , and not wishing to give away her identity to his colleagues , he gives her a male name : ‘ Bob ’ — to the delight of the audience , who then laugh each time he uses the name .
5 ‘ When you 're a bit stronger , I 'll drive you over there each time he calls me in , ’ he said , and Joanna looked at him so gratefully that tears burned at the back of Sophie 's eyes .
6 Little Billy was running with the speed of an arrow , but each time he glanced back over his shoulder the puffs of orange-red smoky-breath had gotten closer .
7 He was determined to regain as much of his former abilities as he could and each time he began his rehabilitation with as much vigour as he could muster .
8 He was determined to regain as much of his former abilities as he could and each time he began his rehabilitation with as much vigour as he could muster .
9 Each time he waves me forward .
10 He still hoped for a settlement , but each time he sent a communication to Bidault it was unaccountably held up by d'Argenlieu .
11 ‘ Now I open tonight 's reading from the master 's great Oliver Twist , the famous scene chosen by Dickens for his own readings and which led to his early death , from the violent emotion that swept over him each time he read this passage . ’
12 Each time he go way en monte Octobre . ’
13 It was , with Rubberneck , a long habit , beat into him , each time he passed the tiny cross to kneel and genuflect .
14 So crazed were we becoming that I was sure that even at that distance we could spot the fiendish grin he directed at Sinar Surya floundering on the horizon each time he passed !
15 Each time he passed an opening into a tunnel he had drilled , he loosed a couple of shots at its roof to collapse it .
16 Each time he passed the mouth of the Hamble on his way out of Southampton Water the queue of boats was thicker .
17 But each time he looked quickly away .
18 Anne stole a glance at John occasionally , and several times caught him looking intently at her , but each time he looked away quickly .
19 They 'd altered his shift pattern twice in the past fortnight , and each time he 'd been taken away from working with patients and given something fiddling to do .
20 Each time he 'd banged out the flames .
21 Five minutes later he came in trying to tell tell us jokes and each time he 'd been paddling through this brake fluid and the carpet is just you know , brains
22 He got the name Egg and chips twice' because , each time he came through the door of the café with his girlfriend , he would shout to the café owner , ‘ Bert , egg and chips twice . ’
23 She hardly ever stopped thinking about Alain Lemarchand and each time he came into her mind this guilt came too .
24 Each time he went into action it was a very private experience for him .
25 Each time he went out , there was more seaweed flying about , and great handfuls of sand , slapping into your face or your clothes .
26 This strategy marks a structure of repetition in Sartre 's text : each time he poses the question of how there can be totalization of History without a totalizer , he retreats to a more limited example whose unity is already evident , but which in the end only brings him back to the original question again .
27 Savouring the surge of power each time he twisted the throttle .
28 Each time a guard arrived , either with food or to let me out to the lavatory , I asked for a book , and each time he said ‘ Yes ’ and did n't bring one .
29 George had been tried out in a variety of parts , but each time he stepped on the stage he would stand with his legs and arms splayed out and drone monotonously .
30 Each time he laughed easily and said No .
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