Example sentences of "where they had be " in BNC.

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1 About 100 emerged from the embassy and another 500 from holiday homes on the outskirts of Warsaw , where they had been temporarily housed .
2 The Mozarts left England in August 1765 , travelling by way of Canterbury , to Dover , across the channel to Calais and then to The Hague where they had been invited to perform before Princess Caroline of Nassau-Weilburg .
3 Here you bought things at the door — fish , pies , cakes ; you did n't know where they had been !
4 They were now thirty-odd miles away from the Manchester slums where they had been brought up , a distance that put them beyond the range of mobility of their families , who could not afford to visit them .
5 When they were out of sight Allen came out of hiding and ran back down the track to the tree where they had been surprised .
6 Nor were they altogether at ease in the neighbourhood , for though there was no reason to suppose that the verderers would return in search of them after their escape — after all why should they suppose the children would return to the very spot where they had been captured ? — the shock of the moment when Michael 's voice had spoken to them out of the darkness still hung about the place .
7 The twins sprang up from where they had been sitting by Chola 's side and ran round the hearth to have a closer look .
8 Three weeks earlier they had flown out to Rome where they had been able to spend a few days as guests of the staff and students at the Venerable English College before setting out from St Peter 's Square on Wednesday , 30th September to cycle more than 1,700 miles across Italy , Switzerland and France , then up through England .
9 At last the evening drew to a close and outdoor clothes were brought down from where they had been laid on beds .
10 Kevin Brown , Patrick Seymour and Lou Collins ran into the listening-post from the cots where they had been lying dozing .
11 It would be an ironical stroke if investigations into the affair resulted not in the discovery of those happenings in which they had been guilty but only in those where they had been blameless .
12 They were vague shadowy figures , rather like her own mother had been , except that she remembered them slightly better because , when she had been about eight years old , Granny Tremayne had driven her over to Newquay where they had been staying .
13 He went from house to house dragging two metal ingots and everybody was amazed to see pots , pans , tongs and braziers tumble down from their places and beams creak from the desperation of nails and screws trying to emerge , and even objects that had been lost for a long time appeared from where they had been searched for most and went dragging along in turbulent confusion behind Melquíades ' magical irons .
14 Although the wall foundations had been totally removed it was possible to see their ghost in the place where they had been .
15 She and her husband bought second-hand books regularly , and she would always look in the back to see where they had been printed .
16 At last the sun-god put them down again , back in the forest where they had been before , and he said , " Listen to me .
17 She tells him about the street she was brought up in , its granular asphalt pavement ridged with long wavering bulges where they had been dug up to get at the gas and water mains , and overhung by waterfalls of laburnum , with front gardens marked off by low walls , some of them in crenellated brickwork , some in pebble-dash with decorative chains dipping above them that you could set swinging , one after another , as you walked by .
18 Two hours before sunrise on the ninth of March 1620 , twelve forty-foot-long pirogues slipped out of the mangroves where they had been concealed ; each craft was carrying around ten men , each man an axe with a blade of sharpened rock and a small gouge of oystershell in the cloth tied around his waist ; three in each had quivers full of arrows and a pouch of manchineel sap , also at their waists ; one man in each was armed with a gun .
19 So when the Jews arrived on board from a mainland where they had been despised , systematically humiliated and imprisoned , they discovered that although this ship was legally still part of Germany , flew the swastika and had large portraits of Hitler in its public rooms , the Germans with whom they had dealings were courteous , attentive and even obedient .
20 But I did discover where they had been coming in — through the stable and into the wall — and where they had resided when I pulled down the ceiling lathes in the dairy and a load of old nests and rat droppings fell on to my head .
21 Finally they told me where they had been and how they had been ushered into a sort of waiting room by the proprietress , who had endeavoured to make them feel at ease by offering them marrons glacés .
22 They had all , on arrival , been asked to write a brief account of where they had been , and with whom , the previous evening and night .
23 They had hosted their own shoot at Dolphinton where they had been less successful .
24 They were all three at the table where they had been sitting at a meal , the curry soup before them , a dreadful static group , posed as for a stage set .
25 A fraction of a second later a wash of flame played over the stones where they had been standing .
26 They had hosted their own shoot at Dolphinton where they had been less successful .
27 The two teams arrived in the northern capital from Beijing where they had been competing in the Asian Games .
28 The remains of the king and his father had been removed on Aug. 16 from Burg Hohenzollern at Hechingen , near Stuttgart , where they had been placed in 1952 — having been recovered from Nazi hands during the last days of the Second World War .
29 The Ugandan government had suspended five of its pilots for apparently carrying weapons on board a Ugandan-registered aircraft from Bophuthatswana to Zagreb , where they had been impounded by the Yugoslav authorities .
30 However , progress was made , in co-operation with the EC monitors ' team , on evacuating Yugoslav National Army ( JNA ) garrisons from Croatia where they had been blockaded by Croatian forces , as Croatia agreed to lift the remaining blockades on garrisons in Zagreb .
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