Example sentences of "put us [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He flew me , and a friend out there , put us up for three nights , then gave us a holiday in the Florida Keys , all paid for ’ .
2 We , we , we were playing in the er Alton league at one time , you know , we were doing quite well in that as well we got , one year we come second we got promoted to the first division after our first year , there was only three of their , there were four or five leagues going and they put us straight in the second division and er , but you were going all over the bloody place , you were going as far a field as Petersfield bloody old there was almost , there was one erm , just outside
3 Ian equalised for the Palace a few minutes after coming on to the field , then put us ahead in extra-time for one of the most telling substitutions in the annals of the great competition
4 Brian , put us out of our misery .
5 Er and put us out of our er how many ballistic shields did you take into that flat ?
6 They put us back into a van and let us out in the street .
7 Times when we all get down in the dumps , but God can always reach deep within us and put us back on our feet again .
8 Thus when a Lancashire miner died , his widowed wife went into service as a living-in maid with a doctor and ‘ put us in with me grandma ’ .
9 This turned out to be a bonus , because we had to stay overnight in Paris and by good luck , our friends the family Toulagian were in , and happy to put us up at no notice .
10 After a long debate , they finally agreed to put us up for the night .
11 ‘ It 's remarkably kind of you to put us up like this , and we 're both very grateful . ’
12 But to present the ‘ regions of application ’ model as our only version of the curriculum in our prospectus would be to put us out of business .
13 All we need is a victory to put us back on the road .
14 All we need is a victory to put us back on the road .
15 I only mentioned it because I want you to know that I realise the problems we 're facing — and that I 've got plans to put us back on our feet .
16 Our last four away games ( Ipswich , Wed. , Tottenham , Everton ) were drawn with us leading in each of the last three , we need a win to put us back on track !
17 ‘ It was n't enough to put us back in the World Cup contention .
18 They 're trying to put us off in because of the
19 The government would save so much money in the long run if they built us all homes instead of putting us up in this dump ; it 's ridiculous . ’
20 In Britain , there are some early signs that lower interest rates and lower inflation are putting us back on course for growth .
21 You 've had two and a bit examples , a thirteen year old with their questions about life , what 's it all for , who put us here and what on earth did they put us here for .
22 It was a potent stimulator for our technical people , not just for the marginal improvements from our operating experience which would be built into the next plant , but to look for the major change in thinking which alone would put us ahead of the competition .
23 If he feeds me the data he uncovers it might put us ahead in the game before the battle opens . ’
24 NFU North West senior policy adviser Rodney Bacon commented : ’ Lifting the moisture content from 14.5 to 15pc will put us back onto a level playing field .
25 Such an eventuality — which no one who had studied the results of Irish elections could suppose to be quite improbable — would put us back to February 1974 , when Labour with 37.1% had fewer votes than the Conservatives with 37.9% , but with 301 seats won more than the Conservatives with 297 ; or to 1951 , when the Conservatives with 48.0% had fewer votes than Labour with 48.8% , but with 321 seats won more than labour with 295 .
26 ‘ That should put us back in business nicely .
27 Branson 's feeling that ‘ competition is good for the consumer if fares come down , but not good if it puts us out of business ’ constituted a political education of sorts .
28 ‘ It puts us back to square one , of course . ’
29 ‘ You mean in case Blenkinsop 's successor puts us back on short rations ?
30 It puts us back on themap .
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