Example sentences of "put away in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Twenty-five years ago , a building contract was regarded by surveyors , clients and contractors alike as something to be signed , put away in a filing cabinet and brought out only in the unlikely event of a dispute .
2 ‘ It must be awful being old and put away in a home because no one will have you at home and look after you . ’
3 I brought it for you and it 's your duty to see it put away in a decent fashion . ’
4 Ironically , when it was finished , and it certainly was not ‘ ruined ’ , Lipchitz preferred the drawings to the painting , which he put away in a cupboard .
5 She handed over her bag of vegetables , which Meg put away in the kitchen without examining .
6 Hidden from view upstairs in the house is the room where Lawrence of Arabia used to stay , with its photos , books and , now silently put away in a box , Shaw 's dentures .
7 Dear Ronnie How are you getting on as you can see at the top I have been put away in a prison .
8 My mother used to tell me how Grandmother scrimped and saved during the summer months so that precious golden sovereigns could be put away in a padlocked wooden box to ensure survival during the next winter .
9 It was put away in a dark basement because it was too horrible .
10 I shall personally see to it that you are put away in a place where not even the crows can land their droppings on you !
11 So it , then I had erm , I brought up my husband 's sister 's daughter from when she was fourteen , I brought her oh , yes fourteen , I brought her up for nine years and br brought her up as my own daughter like because she got , got to be put away in a home and I did n't want her to have to go into a home so I , I brought her up you know we brought her up and sort of as , I lost my little girl she was with me like , see and she still comes to me like , she still calls but she calls me mum , mother like now , ha , you know all those years I had her , she 's married and her family 's grown up now and er she 's got one daughter left , left at home who 's just got engaged that 's Mrs from er she lives , yes so , so that was my hubby 's er sister 's daughter she only had the one daughter and two brothers , but she , the brothers she do n't hear nothing of them they just , you know they were gon na put her in a home , but we took her so she did n't have to go in a home , I did n't want her to have to go in a home
12 While the ambulance waited , it had to be carefully put away in the cupboard , as she had never in all her life left things draining by the sink .
13 It 's like a toy town I 've put away in the cupboard because I 'm too old for it and here it is , still waiting for me .
14 And Melanie knew that she , too , had been put away in the same close airing-cupboard , this grey , tall house .
15 There was always the odd dirty plate or mug on the table , and a tub of margarine ( open ) and milk ( in its bottle ) lying around , not put away in the fridge .
16 And if an objective moral standard is thrown over , what is to stop the majority in society — or even a minority in power — from putting away in a mental institution those who do not see eye to eye with them until they are " cured " ?
17 Who else has got their work needs putting away in a large drawer ?
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