Example sentences of "put [pers pn] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 The airlines , facing their fourth successive year in the red , are urging the EC to drop plans to lower maximum noise levels and nitrogen oxide emissions , arguing that they could increase operating costs , reduce the resale value of operators ' fleets and put them at a competitive disadvantage to international rivals .
2 But especially when they put them at the end of a sentence where they should be putting a full stop .
3 We could build a stable , put them at the bottom of the garden and how expensive the
4 My best friends , Ada , Nora and Nives , all had bicycles , which put me at a serious disadvantage .
5 The Peacock Committee was convinced that it was no longer possible to recommend ‘ no change ’ to either the licence fee system or the funding structure of broadcasting as a whole ; the differences between the two sources of revenue would create recurring crises for the BBC and put it at a competitive disadvantage compared to the ITV structure .
6 Another accident we had with an a wardrobe two of my lads had which was a funny one in retrospect but I some when you carry a wardrobe , funnily enough , the easiest way often if you 've got a tight corner , you know as you go round a corner in a staircase you 'll come from a landing and often turn right or turn left to go down , if you put it at an angle like that then you wo n't get it round the corner without catching the bannister .
7 But I put it at the bottom of the list and consider it can really be done without .
8 Turn the card over and put it at the bottom of the pack
9 Connon picked up the plastic bag , opened it , put it at the edge of the table and swept the items into it with one efficient movement of his hand .
10 Tess bravely made a little cross and put it at the head of the grave one evening , when she could enter the churchyard without being seen .
11 I seemed to remember he had one and put it at the back of one of his chairs , and
12 So they got him a tent , and they put it at the top of my mum 's garden .
13 In fact put it at the back somewhere I think pong .
14 Erm , well I put it at the .
15 And you can mass type , erm mass headlines , and we do negative type leading and all the rest , but you have to add up that extra descender space and put it at the bottom of the headline .
16 If they get in if they start getting in the way the best thing to do is just let them relax to the side and try and forget about them , I know it 's difficult to forget about them but just to the conscious effort with the hands is just to put them at the side .
17 They 're chewing up the lawn but Carl there 's nowhere else to put them at the moment .
18 Yes it 's been understood that it was a routing thing to put them at the right side of Southwell to drive through the middle of it .
19 Alan , I 'm sorry if I 'm sort of trying to put you at the end and continue and I I do n't intend it like that .
20 Already he was capable , it seemed , of making that impact on the stage which was , in record time , to put him at the top of his treacherous profession and bring on the applause of his finest contemporaries .
21 He could again ask parliament to put him at the head of the government .
22 Perhaps this is a challenge to put it at the centre of our lives , to think about it and , this Lent , to read the story as if we were there .
23 I would like to have it very much because music is one of the great pleasures in life to me but I just have nowhere to put it at the moment .
24 ‘ Then tomorrow , you can take it down to the oven and tell them to put it at the bottom , so it -cooks really slowly , to keep it moist . ’
25 And Taylor said : ‘ At last , our young players now have the facilities to put us at the top of the world game . ’
26 The farm owners were n't working class , so the ways this put them at a disadvantage is irrelevant .
27 The market had expected Thames , Severn Trent and North West to be listed , putting them at an immediate investment advantage to the rest of the sector .
28 Now she has refined those skills with the help of judo and is putting them at the service of her country .
29 More than that , the caring crème de la crème were also confronted by the result of what had put them at the forefront of that generation in the first place : they were very good at what they did ( teaching , lecturing , theorizing , media of all kinds , creativity of all stripes ) , and they were becoming , perish the thought , Successful .
30 To pick and choose which plants they were going to eat would put them at a disadvantage since they would waste so much time looking for food , rather than eating it .
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