Example sentences of "still did [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 I remember David had a look of amazement on his face because at this point he had quite a few gold albums , but he still did n't have the money because the rate that they made money went straight back into making the show even bigger and better , and everybody travelled in style .
2 Pavel could n't get any breakfast , because he still did n't have any English money .
3 But he still did n't have any work from this Mr Flowerdew .
4 But of course , we still did n't have all the machines we wanted . ’
5 But she still did n't have any idea why he had suddenly barged back into her life like this .
6 Robyn summoned up every ounce of strength and hate and found she still did n't have enough to cope with Luke 's overwhelming anger and her migraine all at the same time .
7 ‘ I do n't , ’ she told him , a shade edgily it was true , but then , for all he understood , and spoke her language , she still did n't have a clue what he was talking about .
8 And then do that for a fortnight so she still did n't have any money .
9 Ken Vasey did n't have to make a save in the first half , did n't really have to did n't give Charlton a chance , and even in the second half when Charlton came forward more and more , they did n't really have any chances erm one that Lee volleyed over the bar , one that was headed over the crossbar , and the chance that went in the net , so they still did n't have many chances , but erm United somehow erm construed to drop two points , and erm yes , dreadfully disappointing .
10 The year began with cold clammy fogs , and although some industry had come to a standstill because of workers called to the colours , and factories bombed by the enemy , we still did not have the Clean Air Act , and there was still quite a lot of smoke from domestic fires , and from the slack coal burnt by factories making munitions .
11 Technically , they still did not have total control of the machinery of state , but in practice their use of the Emergency Powers and willingness to use violence meant that , subject only to the threat of a Polish invasion , they could do more or less as they pleased .
12 At the November hearing , the taxpayer said he had written to the building society in May and August and had telephoned them in September but still did not have the required details .
13 After our return from France we felt that we still did not have the complete story of that operation , and so we went to the Public Records Office at Kew to look up the records of 22 Squadron over that period .
14 But although I was not sent away , I still did not have a sex .
15 She still did not have much use for him personally ; he , too , was twenty-one , they were exactly the same age take a week or so , and very sure of himself , too sure , even for her taste .
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