Example sentences of "want you [to-vb] that " in BNC.

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1 Once the director took Dustin aside and said , ‘ This is the only day we 're ever going to shoot this scene and , no matter how exhausted or lousy you feel , I want you to remember that what you give me is going to be on celluloid for people to see for ever and ever .
2 ‘ Well , ’ Angelica said , ‘ I want you to remember that you 've got friends here .
3 ‘ I want you to remember that every sound , every bright light , every touch will be extremely painful for her .
4 ‘ Matthew , I 'm trying to be very understanding and modern about this , but I want you to realize that for women of my generation , it 's difficult to accept the prevailing mores . ’
5 But I want you to observe that the church family is growing is n't it ?
6 In a moment of exasperation she told James Whitaker : ‘ I want you to understand that I am not responsible for any sackings .
7 We want you to know that you will always get a fair deal when you book with us .
8 , I just want you to know that I shall never change , but I also want you to allow me to come home now and again for a few days .
9 And he finds a little space to make conscious points : ‘ I want you to know that I 'm a skinhead now . ’
10 ‘ And I want you to know that the decision I have made has been mine and mine alone .
11 ‘ You have been very brave , Miss Morgan , and I want you to know that both Craig and I are very grateful , a gratitude that will be shown in practical terms as soon as possible . ’
12 As she prepared to say goodbye to her private life , he told her : ‘ I just want you to know that this is the last night of freedom in your life so make the most of it . ’
13 Then I remembered you always get up in the morning before Aunt Emily , so I 'm sure you will find this before anyone else sees it ; and I want you to know that I am alive and well .
14 I only want you to know that I 'm very grateful to you for helping me become Joe 's apprentice . ’
15 I just want you to know that not only do I hate this dress , I hate you even more . ’
16 Despite all the cock-ups , I want you to know that we do greatly appreciate your help .
17 I want you to know that God punishes those who do evil .
18 ‘ Dana sent you this enclosed in a letter to me , but before you open it I want you to know that Dana means no more to me than a rather troublesome sister-in-law-to-be .
19 I only mentioned it because I want you to know that I realise the problems we 're facing — and that I 've got plans to put us back on our feet .
20 Darling darling , I feel that I am the luckiest man on earth and I want you to know that I know I am .
21 Now , I want you to know that normally I can do this unaided .
22 Laverne , I just want you to know that business could be seriously affected if my guests end up in a mess , dammit .
23 The councillors all agree that your floral displays and hanging baskets are magnificent and want you to know that they appreciate your efforts .
24 Well , I shall move out when it suits me but I want you to know that the contents of these rooms are mine and I shall fight for them in Court if need be . ’
25 Tell you what I will do , have a go cos I want you to try that cos it 's nice , erm , when you 've done it , one day
26 I want you to note that I am not singing just ‘ Take my back , because it is my best feature ’ ( in the mirror we could see her beautiful strong back in the low cut of the dress , and of course we could see ourselves too ) .
27 The old man wants you to know that the lion hunt for the producer fellow … ’
28 He wants you to know that you 've got those and you 've got a fair idea of how much you 're leaving .
29 Now that you are moving away , he wants you to know that you were special and he hopes to return some of the self-esteem that he stole from you .
30 Er the Director of Transportation recognises that , it was said that he 's happy to await the outcome of liberations by that er District Council and that 's what the Conservative group has suggested that we do but if he wants you to recognise that every policy has to be accepted , the way in which they have performed time and decided to be addressed by my members of of all parties and therefore I urge you to support the Conservative resolutions I now put forward .
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