Example sentences of "want [prep] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In Wolfenstein 's words ( 1955 ) , ‘ What the baby wants for pleasure has thus become as legitimate a demand as what he needs for his physical well-being , and is to be treated in the same way . ’
2 The warmth of the ship and want of air had occasioned the skunk-weed to put forth two fine blossoms , very beautiful … ’
3 Probably , for we later read that ‘ want of opportunity has been in some respect a prejudice to my business ’ , and , ‘ the noble act of embalming has been entirely ruined by the undertakers ’ .
4 Advice workers unfortunately may see two strands to their training : that which they are required to undergo , contrasted with that which they want in order to overcome their personal shortcomings in the interview room .
5 When entering shops it is essential to make a mental note of who is in front of you , and it is the custom when entering a shop to ask if they have the items you want in stock to avoid a pointless wait .
6 For example , they try to give Olwyn everything she wants in order to avoid tantrums .
7 okay good point and that is that is a point , that you need to be clear about what you want to role plays on as good as the real thing you know but then again sometimes you know sometimes I 've listened to people saying well role plays are a bit harder than real life harder than real life why are we talking about being assertive now .
8 Well no but you both yeah but you wan na play football if you want to Jonathan do n't you .
9 His message is : If you want to understanding knowing , remembering , hoping , and so on , do not look at whatever experiences may go with the use of the words ‘ know ’ , ‘ remember ’ , ‘ hope ’ , do not look at the phenomena ; look , instead , at the transactions of language , look at the grammar of the expressions ‘ I know ’ , ‘ I remember ’ , ‘ I hope ’ , look at what is done with these expressions .
10 The Department of the Environment admits it is almost impossible to recruit the calibre of inspectors it wants on salaries starting at about £15,000 .
11 I think she wants to colour co-ordinate Dad too .
12 If the New-York Historical Society wants to deaccession works to pay for operating expenses , legislators who help fund the Society should have some veto power over those sales , particularly if works of art and other objects of local interest threaten to pass from museums into private hands .
13 The freedom to eat as many vegetables as you want at mealtimes resolves this problem .
14 Do you want to juts pop on the couch for me ?
15 And and also I mean I do n't want a zigzag and I really recommend we get somebody for Well I do n't want to Tom to cut the sides like that with scissors you know , it has to be neat .
16 Do you want to samples bringing d Pete 's going up on
17 Many of the trade union leaders wanted of course to go to the front , but the whole process of organising our production … forbade their release .
18 We well she she wanted to Carole to ring up Ken !
19 — The question of job swaps was not clear in Tim 's paper — for example for Area Secretaries it meant that they wanted to job swap they could do so by moving region
20 He replied that on the facts stated it appeared that the testator wanted by trust to release Seius from all liability to that debt .
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