Example sentences of "want [to-vb] that in " in BNC.

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1 I shall be looking more closely at the implications of this point of view later , but here I want to suggest that in emphasising the importance of reflection Dorothy Heathcote has overstated the case .
2 I want to emphasize that in my discussion of social differentiation I am not dealing with an ‘ underclass ’ in the sense in which that term has recently been employed by , among others , Dahrendorf ( 1987 ) .
3 He wants to argue that we do join civil societies and that we can under certain circumstances erm decide to quit them and , overall of course against Filmer he wants to argue that in this respect a civil society is radically different from the family .
4 I have not wavered in the slightest degree in my attitude to this war , nor have I changed my mind as to the need of a final and complete settlement , but I want to say that in a war in which losses of such terrible magnitude are being imposed on all the Nations it appears to me not only wise but imperative that every country should use its political weapon to supplement all its military organisation , if by so doing it can defeat the enemy .
5 Erm where I have to qualify my my support is is , and and I do particularly want to stress that in no way would I accept the exceptions policy as a substitute to an appropriate increase in the employment alloca allocation for Selby District .
6 There is no cognizance taken of the advice in P P G twelve , paragraph five point four four , which says that it is right to have a flexible approach er with a range of sites available to business to be provided in plans , and authorities will want to ensure that in allocating sites there is a reasonable expectation of development proceeding .
7 You do n't really want to stuff that in your gob mate
8 Er do you want to feel that in your retirement , you experience the full range of emotions ?
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