Example sentences of "many [noun pl] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Masklin wondered how many times it had industriously cleaned this corridor , while it waited for nomes to come back … .
2 Speakers were given a score of one point for each one of these features that occurred in their speech , irrespective of how many times it occurred .
3 I 've bitten my tongue so many times it 's got holes in it ’
4 I did n't actually and I picked the rabbit up twice , so many times it did n't bite me .
5 Many times it appears to be used so that other qualities of the work — the wide assortment of materials it might be constructed of , say , or the way it is attached to the wall — can take centre stage , much in the way that a black and white photograph allows you to concentrate on matters otherwise obscured or de-emphasized by colour .
6 In the 1970 's and early ‘ 80 's the Club saw more changes than in the whole of its earlier history , so much so that in 1976 former President Tom Luker said of the course shortly before his death ( 1977 ) , ‘ It has been modified so many times it has gone full circle ’ .
7 Do not give your camera to a passing stranger and ask him to take a picture of you , so many times it has happened that the stranger has then run off with it .
8 The drawing number alone can tell one what size it is , where to find it , what product or process it describes , in how much detail , whether it is on micro-fiche , how many times it has been modified .
9 The letter from Mr. Roper in the March issue of the Record claims that in many authorities it has been staff themselves who have initiated the blacking of News International newspapers .
10 Yes when when there were three men Right when there were three men , that 's how many hours it took .
11 He said in many cases it reduced the need for conventional surgery , and it produced less scarring .
12 RAT may have succeeded in driving the culture of racism underground , but enforced privatization did not always silence ; in many cases it resulted in more secretly coded forms of expression , which actually strengthened popular resistance to antiracism .
13 The graveyard is an important landscape feature , since in many cases it represents the burial place of most of the local population over a millennium or more , and is the logical successor to prehistoric barrow groups and Roman cemeteries .
14 Even if we disregard the sporadic use of violence against the movement , and its infiltration by spies and agents provocateurs , it is clear that it was generally considered by the controlling bodies of universities and by party politicians as an illegitimate form of political action , even though its principal aim was to extend democratic participation in one of the most important institutions ( both economically and culturally ) of modern society , and in many cases it succeeded in enlivening academic studies , as well as improving methods of teaching and assessment .
15 We should not have to rely on the private sector to assist in providing facilities especially as , currently in many cases it does not provide such facilities .
16 Nonetheless , we should keep the two patterns distinct , first as a matter of proper investigative practice , because the distinction though subtle is real ; second , because in a great many cases it does make a quite easily discernible difference to the interpretation intended and required ; and , third , because it has some quite substantial grammatical consequences .
17 ‘ In many cases it reduces the need for conventional surgery , and produces less scarring . ’
18 Indeed , in many cases it appears that the ellipsis is interpreted with reference to a content-based representation .
19 .. [ which ] in the case of people who are not constitutionally sound becomes so dangerous that in many cases it develops into a ‘ consumption ’ … and the wisest course for such people to adopt is to leave England and cross the sea .
20 In many cases it costs less .
21 If they are , in many cases it means certain death for them .
22 In many cases it satisfies the complainants — and , where it is accompanied by payment of costs , it will satisfy their lawyers as well .
23 In many cases it proved unrealistic to cast aside previously initiated electoral promises .
24 The lay subsidy rolls of the fourteenth century yield much information on the subject of bynames and surnames for all categories of persons , and in many cases it seems true to say that such names were not necessarily applied to whole families nor ( given that they appear in different forms in successive rolls ) can they be judged to have stabilized .
25 Now if the alteration makes the crystal either less or more efficient in the damming/drying/erosion cycle , this will affect how many copies it has in subsequent ‘ generations ’ .
26 Microsoft Corp is spraying statistics in all directions to try and convince the industry of NT 's success : 60,000 software development kits have been sent out , it says , 25,000 dealers and the like should be trained before the launch , and it has commitments from developers that over 500 applications will be ready by the autumn — however it absolutely refuses to comment on how many copies it expects to sell .
27 Microsoft Corp is spraying statistics in all directions to try and convince the industry of NT 's success : 60,000 software development kits have been sent out , it says , 25,000 dealers and the like should be trained before the launch , and it has commitments from developers that over 500 applications will be ready by the autumn — however it absolutely refuses to comment on how many copies it expects to sell .
28 ‘ I had immense faith in the work of the clinic and I knew that , however many attempts it took , I would get my baby . ’
29 The company ended the guessing game on Wall Street about how many units it has delivered .
30 Three major weaknesses of the paper are its lack of clarity , its lack of detail and the many opportunities it offers to those who hold information that should be made public , to use various loopholes to avoid so doing .
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