Example sentences of "er you know you " in BNC.

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1 Er you knew you see Sir Keith Joseph .
2 Sort a er you know you you 're you 're happy but you 're full of go at the same time .
3 Okay and er you know you you were n't you were n't actually high enough up there were you .
4 It 's different if you 're paid to come here to give a talk and you put up a poor show but if you 've volunteered then er I think er you know you you really ought to have a different approach to .
5 I I could never I never knew anybody personally because er you know you just used to go work and then go home and that was it .
6 Er you know you did n't sort of erm , you did n't mix a lot , you know really .
7 But I think a lot of them were genuinely concerned , as in my case I think this person was genuinely worried about me because I 'd had , it was my third child and I I do think she was er worried about me because er you know you do n't want to keep having babies and losing them but I was n't worried about , I was worried about myself , to say I was n't worried that 's stupid , but er we just hoped and hoped and kept hoping .
8 Er and perhaps er you know you can have a role where maybe you 've got ta make decisions and alright you do it .
9 So I mean think about it as long term planning , and certainly for those under er sixty the long term becomes extremely long term because er you know you 're looking at perhaps a third of your life er which is er still to be accounted for .
10 But erm certainly erm I , I think that was erm a , a very good response to this because erm obviously we 've got er a g a fair selection here , you 've got erm building society instant and top ten postal , that 's the postal account there , erm TESSA , P E P and unit trusts , and possibly index-linked certificates , and I 'll go back to those but I mean certainly that was a good er a good spread , and I think er you know you should be er thinking , well you know this lady 's going to have some safe growth in the in the future .
11 And then there 's traces of er you know you could see where the old foundations and things were .
12 you , you , you see them as erm er er you know you t you speak to them on erm christian name terms , you , you help them with any kind of erm social problem or welfare problem they may have .
13 Unless er there was any er you know you , you were expecting any problems .
14 I mean I think that 's why in way it , it would be good to go outside the religious context , because then you 'll come up er y you er you know you 'll meet people who have a er a rather different motivation
15 I du n no , er you know you can put woman staying at home having the child for instance when there are n't enough children to fill the schools realize that having children is a very important in economic values what with nations increasing staying at home
16 I mean if if a woman undresses okay let's take a scenario okay Simon maybe er you know you could put yourself in the same situation
17 And er you know you you save your money and you take your pick that 's that 's how I look at it .
18 Well that 's another reason I 'm sat here is the fact that er you know you 've actually doubled it .
19 is that er er you know you you certainly need some training and backup .
20 Er I would appreciate it very very much indeed Mike if er you know you could recommend me to one or two people you know , open minded like yourself who I can sit with , take a couple of er half an hour of their time like I 've done with you , show them what the services are .
21 Yeah erm so er you know you may find some traces of a more , you know , kind of er I do n't know , politicized understanding on the part of blind people as to , you know , what it means to you know kind of have their life investigated
22 Erm when you actually then moved on to start er start completing the , the C C Q you were asking , asking closed questions er you know you said , said to Martin can you tell me your wife 's name and he said yes and it went on about three or four times er yeah alright you were getting the names but you were having to ask two questions to actually get them because you were n't er were n't , you know , asking probe questions , you started off could you .
23 I think the Labour Party 's heart is in the right place , they want to take a positive approach and do what they can to help industry , to train , to put more money into training youngsters for industry then we have a skill work force , not a cheap , not a cheap unskilled labour force , er , you know , which is what we , what 's happening now , because we 've just not been trained , they 're cutting the training , but it 's all the same , anyway you know , I , I , I do n't know , you say what can I do for ya , well er in the short run not much except to help the , the people who are on lower income and the children through the budget er which will be introduced , it 'll be that why er through er child benefits and through er high , high benefits and through er , er lower taxes for the , everybody up to er twenty odd , twenty five thousand year or something , so , erm I mean that 's in the short run and little that can be done , it 's not as much as anybody would like , you put more and more into , into er , into training , er more money into industry to help them to invest , er you know you can have a sort of regional development banks to help industry to invest these in , in each of the regions , but I mean the , these are the positive plans and not like this one who 's just letting things go .
24 Er you know you got all the different channels .
25 But you see er you know you 'd got to do that so in between those times you could n't do much else could you ?
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