Example sentences of "many [prep] [pron] may " in BNC.

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1 They characterise the management of secondary schools as having a number of features — many of which may be attributed to the absence of effective staff management policies .
2 The earliest inhabitants of the area some 4000 years ago , however , left traces of their presence in the form of tools like stone axes , many of which may be seen in the Armagh County Museum .
3 Such processed foods therefore have added to them artificial colours , flavours , flavour enhancers ( usually monosodium glutamate , MSG ) , texturizers , emulsifiers and preservatives — most of which are chemicals of no particular use to the body and many of which may actually be harmful .
4 Alternative word candidates are combined to form candidate phrases , many of which may be ungrammatical or meaningless .
5 There are plenty of theories , and plenty of assumptions , many of which may have at least a part of the truth .
6 Present-day stateless societies are not necessarily representative of all , or even most , of the earliest human communities , many of which may have had from the beginning some differentiation of political functions based upon age or gender ; and in any event enquiry into such questions remains largely speculative .
7 The consequences of fire in hospitals and other health care premises can be especially serious because of the difficulties and dangers associated with the emergency evacuation of patients , many of whom may be highly dependent .
8 Yet at a time when the rest of the industrialized world is moving towards a forty hour week , women , many of whom may work at least eighty hours per week , are encouraged to regard this as not being work .
9 Adoption should not be underestimated as a potential problem , and Howe ( 1990 ) estimated that there are approximately 600,000 relinquishing mothers in the UK — many of whom may not have come to terms with their loss .
10 On the conservative side yesterday there were largely unspoken fears that it will be difficult for the new government to impose its discipline on 450 or so deputies , many of whom may be tempted to form separate parliamentary groups .
11 All of them add to the quality of life of the residents , and many of them may also help you enjoy your work too .
12 ‘ instant yen ’ and ‘ the searches for Shamans in the desert ’ , but unfortunately he offers his readers no Good Cult Guide and one feels that many of them may continue to go astray .
13 Although incomes had to be given , assessment of the personal property of ‘ spiritual men ’ was not stipulated , and since the clergy were customarily taxed more heavily than the laity a good many of them may have been less than forthcoming .
14 The industrialists of the water-power age , out in the open country , had put up houses for their workpeople — as at Cromford , Mellor and Styal , where many of them may still be seen — which were , in Professor Ashton 's words , ‘ not wanting in amenity and comfort ’ and even possessed a certain quality of design and proportion .
15 The greatly increased life expectancy of both men and women today means that the children of many of them may themselves be entering old age when they , the parents , are really in need of care .
16 While some landforms may have been so produced , it is possible that many of them may be relict forms subject to little later modification .
17 In future , these matters will not be decided here because responsibility for many of them may be transferred to Europe . ’
18 Not all the decisions in a given period can be carried out , since many of them may erroneously anticipate and depend upon other decisions which are in fact not being made .
19 We know that many of them may well have undergone long and arduous journeys , having travelled many miles across many frontiers and indeed possibly even across many continents just in order to be with us here tonight .
20 Forty eight and and presumably many of the people who are perhaps seventy drawing pensions , they may not have even paid in thirty years themselves , I mean they may be many of them may not have been around for that period of time .
21 Many of you may be feeling the inset of charity fatigue as the London Marathon 1992 becomes nothing more than a passing memory .
22 ‘ Aye , after a battle once you have recited your thanksgivings , or prior to a campaign , while you are girding your soul for a crusade as now , as blessedly now — many of you may yearn to kneel in your cell with saw and magnilens , with rasp and buffing wheel and carbide graver , with brush and inkhorn .
23 Many of you may have noticed that Good Housekeeping is now on sale at the checkout in Sainsbury 's , which has gone down brilliantly with shoppers , as I discovered when I visited my local London branch .
24 Erm as far as certification of er th the of a system is concerned er we are still comm committed to getting office certificated and as many of you may be aware the Swindon office has actually overtaken us on the B E S side erm and they are er , but hopefully we will achieve certification for the whole of our group erm prior to Swindon achieving certification for their whole group .
25 Computerised databases are just the job for any record storage as many of you may know .
26 Congress , there 's a very familiar phrase which is often used in the English language , a phrase which many of you may have used yourselves from time to time .
27 You 've all heard it and many of you may still believe it .
28 All the trouble and strife is behind you today is a golden glow beh today , a golden glow begins to settle over all of your relationships and during the next month many of you may be thinking of making serious commitments .
29 It speaks confidently of the existence of a wilderness in Britain which , like the wolf , many of us may have regarded as extinct .
30 Many of us may wonder why it has taken so long to achieve the last two objectives , but I am delighted that the proposal is now to go ahead .
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