Example sentences of "our [noun pl] ' [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They piled up bricks and pulled out nails in our builders ' yard of a back garden , had a roaring bonfire every other night , and went to Nan 's for a bath .
2 Coal powered factories , warmed homes and moved the railway steam engines ( as well as polluting our cities ' air ) .
3 In our forefathers ' time … few books were read in our tongue , saving certain books of chivalry , as they said for pastime and pleasure …
4 And every delay is henceforth to our opponents ' advantage .
5 Our political weakness is our opponents ' strength .
6 ( See page 158 for details of our readers ' event on 12 June . )
7 It is of course essential to our readers ' work to be able to compare changing patterns of land use over time , and often to be able to pinpoint a particular feature for various dates during , perhaps , more than a century of the topographic record .
8 THE tip-top Mirror 's still the high point of our readers ' day … even when they 're precariously perched 170ft 2ins above Trafalgar Square .
9 There is little doubt that the consistent media focus was a critical factor in maintaining our supporters ' faith in the message and in shifting even more people against the project .
10 Our winners ' portrait will be eligible for entry in this year 's Awards and the chance for you and the photographer to win even more prizes .
11 Find our parents ' killer .
12 Above all , experiencing our parents ' death forces us to face the fact of our own mortality .
13 Our parents ' wedding day , June 1991
14 Regional Railways have requested that they see copies of our contractors ' performance reports .
15 We 'd like you to put them in order of priority to agree with our judges ' decision .
16 Important issues affecting our constituents ' schooling and the structure and scrutiny of education are introduced in a wholly artificial and improper manner .
17 It is true that a comparison of the generally accepted life-expectancy figures between the West and the Third World countries , or a comparison between ourselves and our grandparents ' generation , would show that modern Western man has a great advantage in average expectation of life .
18 She was thinking of our grandparents ' home in the country , our father 's people .
19 It is incredible to think that this trunk was collected from the house by the station Lorry , was sent by rail , Luggage in Advance , and was awaiting us when we arrived at our grandparents ' house .
20 Today , after a period of five short years , we are a health-conscious nation , exercising careful concern about our guests ' cholesterol levels when we invite them round to supper , looking unconcerned as yet another jogger pounds us into the pavement as we take a stroll , and reacting with sheer open-eyed shock at the sight of a plate of bacon , eggs and bangers as we spoon down our own regular morning bran cereal — or dish of F-Pan Fibre-Filler .
21 Although , long before Johnson , Daniel Defoe found Elgin ‘ a very agreeable place to live in ’ — those gentry not wishing to venture as far as Edinburgh or London came in from the Highlands for the winter — Elgin 's time came later : a half-century after our heroes ' visit , it became a little classical Victorian market town whose streets and suburbs echoed Edinburgh 's New Town in elegance and spaciousness .
22 Not because I directly res have some responsibility for representing our membership within the Health Service , but because as I said earlier this is my Health Service , this is your Health Service , it 's our families ' Health Service that we have enjoyed the benefits since nineteen forty eight .
23 This service is provided through IRPC by a legal expenses insurance policy which we have taken out for each of our customers ' benefit .
24 Least attractive in our view would be a piecemeal trade sale : we believe this would sacrifice AEA 's ability to deliver an integrated solution to our customers ' safety , environmental or operational problems .
25 ABA has the necessary resource and expertise on both sides of the Atlantic in order to ensure the delivery of top quality aircraft to the UK to our customers ' specification .
26 ‘ Although those problems were resolved , and gradually we got the level of performance , we recognised that it was our customers ' perception of the service , rather than our own , which mattered .
27 It would be dead easy to reform the CAP at our farmers ' expense and simply shovel the money across to other farmers , which appears to be the Labour party 's proposal , but we do not share that view ; we must ensure that it is a balanced proposal and that in the United Kingdom , where we have efficient agriculture , the efficient farmer has a long-term future .
28 ‘ I offered him a bed in our relatives ' hostel , but he prefers to stay at his club , and , as he has this spinal arthritis , is bringing his own car and the man who looks after him .
29 Indeed , in those busy days , our servants ' hall would often witness a gathering of some of the finest professionals in England talking late into the night by the warmth of the fire .
30 And let me tell you , if you were to have come into our servants ' hall on any of those evenings , you would not have heard mere gossip ; more likely , you would have witnessed debates over the great affairs preoccupying our employers upstairs , or else over matters of import reported in the newspapers ; and of course , as fellow professionals from all walks of life are wont to do when gathered together , we could be found discussing every aspect of our vocation .
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