Example sentences of "our [noun pl] [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 That centre for one of the staff who work there , make quite profound impact on the quality of life for many people living on our estates and I can not see anything more short sighted than denying access to the sorts of services and the sorts of pleasures that people can get from use of a community centre like that by cutting back on staffing so that we ca n't actually use the capital resources that we 've b the capital that we 've invested in facilities like that .
2 Erm if you recall in our managements ' erm in our discussions when I presented the last the last minutes of the er s the subcommittee which has purchased the ground , we agreed to erm co er co-work with two other two of the clubs sports clubs to establish a management committee , which we would then hope would take over management of the ground from the parish council .
3 Apart from the fact that there 's an eleven-year gap in our ages and I do n't go in for cradle-snatching , she happens to be my stepsister . ’
4 Vale boss John Rudge said : ‘ We had a bit of luck when that shot from Regis stuck in the mud but I 'm overjoyed for our fans because I know how much it means to beat Stoke . ’
5 In erm Romans chapter three and verse twenty seven it says that er Jesus died for our sins and I 'd just like to leave this thought with you , that n er just like me , when I could have died the other week in that plane crash , that none of us knows how long we 've got on this life and , however long or short it is , there 's no time like the present to get right with God if you , if you are n't and the only way to do that is through Jesus .
6 We sat round the fire with our leftovers and I answered their questions about the day 's events .
7 So I 'm not saying th th that there are n't these th the important other inputs , but , but what I am saying is that if you ask yourself where the kind of gene behaviour interface really exists is clearly in the human er in , in the human mind and it may be that the basic kind of parameters erm have , have been set for our emotions and I really do n't see how we can change those .
8 ‘ Come , darlings , make room for our visitors while I go and fetch them some supper . ’
9 Then a British colleague at the Zoological station for this and next academic year lent me another four , and I found a couple on our shelves that I had not read before , so was well away .
10 I eased the wheel up , drawing Wavebreaker 's bows harder into the sea and wind , and I was rewarded with another shattering of white spray that exploded prettily about our bows before I let the hull fall away once more .
11 That has been our major worry and I think for us now to go away and just allow it to go ahead , twenty years on , without any improvements , without the link road and without improvements to Hill I think is an abdication of our duties and I really do think that .
12 Because we 're both level headed people and not having a job was obviously a big thing in our lives and I 'd indicated to Anne that if we did move away , I would stand a much better chance of getting a job .
13 He could deal with people , erm he could communicate with people , he was always there to help with our problems and I 'm sure he felt that he could help erm you know the community and and the beat that on which he was a home beat officer .
14 Frank Kelly thanked us for our efforts and I somehow was volunteered again to make the reply .
15 Let's stick to this concept , I , I welcome it , I think it shows good thinking on the part of our officers and I would like to suggest that er , I take er , a back seat on this one , and I , I , I 'd feel probably , set up a sub-committee , I would think four or five is ample , and I would like to propose that Malcolm chairs this meeting , so that we have a fresh brain and a younger brain , looking at the future 's problems .
16 ‘ To do our job we need the help of our tenants and I would urge anyone moving out of a council house or flat to give us plenty of notice so we can identify the property and allocate it to someone else , ’ he said .
17 ‘ To do our job we need the help of our tenants and I would urge anyone moving out of a council house or flat to give us plenty of notice so we can identify the property and allocate it to someone else , ’ he said .
18 So we wish therefore to remove this first constraint on our powers and I 'd emphasise again that it is , is our intention to use , it 's not our intention to use the wider powers to increase the risks , it 's simply to improve er , our ability to gain the best returns and satisfy the objectives of the Council .
19 Since the Conservatives lost control of the council the politicians have been very poor stewards of our affairs and I do n't think they 'll be missed at all .
20 When I told our fellers when I got back to the depot would n't believe me !
21 We will be reserving our rights and I 'm talking to our legal people in the US .
22 He reminded us of our debt to those whose labour supported our studies and I recalled this many years later when , passing through Harvard , I read the inscription commemorating the foundation of its college in order that future generations might be spared an unlettered clergy .
23 We can both observe our bodies but I can never observe your mind nor you mine .
24 We said our farewells and I leapt gratefully off the ridge and on to the safe path with the elegance of a stunned ox .
25 One of the great advantages that we had in the ‘ twenties was comparatively safe and clear streets , parked cars would have stopped many of our games and I imagine that tops would not have been popular with car owners .
26 er , you know proper algebra and all that kind of stuff and it , and it was , I think I would of been better if I had of gone to Our Ladies cos I do n't
27 ‘ We have had our differences and I am sorry if it has caused offence . ’
28 If our needs conflict I am certainly ready to explore our differences and I may be prepared to compromise .
29 At the end of the day our friends and I had mastered ‘ bend ze knees ’ and ‘ turn in ze feet ’ and had turned a healthy shade of scarlet around the nasal slopes .
30 While murmurs of hope return to the streets of Cardiff , Australian prepare for their 16th international against Wales with coach Bob Dwyer admits : ‘ A win here would go down alongside the best of our achievements while I have been in charge . ’
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