Example sentences of "find out what [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I got myself invited along as I wanted to find out what drove him to travel all the way from Surrey to South Wales nearly every weekend .
2 that 's hard job to find out what to do it is for me any rate
3 This ferry must be pulled apart if necessary to find out what went wrong .
4 Presumably to find out what went wrong in the Abbey . ’
5 Research shows that many injured patients simply want to find out what went wrong .
6 But Scotland Today can reveal that the council IS considering bringing in external auditors to find out what went wrong .
7 ‘ It was not what I expected , but I have not yet had a real chance to find out what went wrong .
8 Mrs Bottomley wants to find out what went wrong and see if staff relations problems can be improved .
9 Spatial boundaries may vary in their openness , the degree to which they permit outsiders to inspect the phenomenon in question , to find out what goes on and to gain thereby a knowledge of it and a competence in dealing with it .
10 I 've never been able to find out what goes on at the ceremony , but , from what I 've heard , there is more to it than rolling up your trouser-leg .
11 Above all , each story provides a ‘ good read ’ , motivating pupils to read on to find out what happens next .
12 But to find out what happens in strong gravity .
13 As Yvonne McManus , in her advice to aspiring writers explains : ‘ the thing that keeps your reader turning pages is to find out what happens to make them realise they 're meant for each other … you 've got to keep the reader wondering how it 'll all come to pass ’ .
14 It is important that children are able to find out what happens in the countryside .
15 This research carries out laboratory measurements of the way members of the general public solve problems of this kind , to find out what happens without a computer ; it also looks at what happens when people are given a simple expert system to use , and what problems profit from , or are hindered by , the aid from the machine .
16 So here trying to find out what happens who did who differentiated what sort of thing to get this X squared .
17 She needed to earn her place as part of this team , and she realised , with a pounding heart , that she was curious to find out what made this man tick .
18 The council 's Brian Whalen wants to find out what produces the fantastic display which dances across the arctic and subarctic skies .
19 You 've got to find out what irritates you , annoys you to death and then translate that into a business .
20 She wanted to learn the new domestic geography as soon as she could , to find out what lay behind all the doors and how to light the stove and whereabouts the dog slept .
21 You present a highly intriguing challenge , Miss Shannon Lea — and I intend to find out what lurks beneath that icy-cool exterior . ’
22 I went down to find out what had gone wrong .
23 I was unable to find out what had happened to him .
24 Not until the anonymous informant had rung again on 4 August and there had been more calls to Lawrence , and they had finally made contact with John Lewis , did the Panel begin to find out what had really happened .
25 But first I would make one further effort to solve the last enigma : to find out what had happened to Leslie .
26 During the meal Elisa was able to find out what had happened to her immediately after the attack on the steps of the church .
27 The names of the people are arbitrary labels , but the point of the sentence can not be grasped unless it is realized that the reason for the questioning was to find out what had happened from someone who had seen it .
28 Shirley questioned Diane because she wanted to find out what had happened .
29 When stereo LPs were launched in 1958 , someone pointed out this fact , and research was put in motion to find out what had happened to the ‘ stereo cylinder ’ .
30 A few days previously I had paid a quick visit to Bourn , which had not yet closed down , to say goodbye to those of my acquaintances who were still there , and to find out what had happened to Rosemary .
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