Example sentences of "man who have made " in BNC.

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1 A man who had made his name by his own imagination and energy , not in just one skill but three : as choreographer , as deviser of revues and other shows , as director of a company that he had brought from obscure provincial competence to world-wide acclaim .
2 Colonel Joshua Murchison had always been a tough unyielding man who had made it quite clear to Julie that he would rather she had been a boy .
3 In the Club section was a tall and clean-cut young man who had made the flight after connecting from Houston .
4 Joe smiled tolerantly at the man who had made himself his friend .
5 It was odd to sit here , so far away , in sun and shouting , and see the small dark and light rounds of the face of the man who had made those images .
6 Business and friendship can often make for strained bedfellows — as the experience of the man who had made Virgin 's first fortune also proved .
7 She had barely recognized their cool , urbane general manager in the seedy , vengeful man who had made such wild accusations .
8 This , after all , was the man who had made love to Elise , made an impact strong enough to perhaps contribute to Elise 's death .
9 Her mother and father , or the young man who had made her his easy prey ?
10 But he was undoubtedly the man who had made such a powerful impact on her in the Piazzale Roma .
11 She 'd never experienced anything like this in her life before — she 'd never met a man who had made any real , lasting impression on her .
12 Thus speaks a man who has made his reputation in the pop genre .
13 ‘ I want to introduce the man who has made this all possible , and whose health and leisure complex you are here to experience — and later , of course , to promote .
14 He was like a man who has made one step forward into unknown territory and stands looking for a path .
15 But plainly a man who has made his mark in the world , if he is already being sent for .
16 A MAN who has made 15 previous court appearances has been jailed for 15 months by a judge at Liverpool Crown Court .
17 And the man who 's made it all happen is Glenn Hoddle … for him Wembley … a big match is nothing new … or is it
18 He sat on the top of the large expanse of teak desk and stared coldly at the men who had made it to the top of one of the biggest corporations in the world , employing nearly one million people .
19 Scenes from the evening flashed before her eyes : the dignity of the old man to whom Ludovico had gently presented her and with whom she had performed a stately dance , delicately held in his wizened old arms ; the young men who had made a ring around her and Ludo before lifting them on to their shoulders and carrying them back to Santo Spirito ; the women who had caressed her blonde hair and whispered , ‘ Bella !
20 Prayers sprang to the lips of men who had made a trade out of phoney miracles .
21 Moreover , the establishment of the Bank of England in 1694 , and the emergence of public deficit financing , led to the appearance of a new force in politics , that of the " monied interest " , men who had made huge fortunes as a result of investing in the national debt .
22 His favourite pastime of an evening was to leaf through historical albums , studying portraits of the men who had made their mark on Europe during the past half-century .
23 Please help us to bring the men who have made this astonishing decision back to their senses before all is lost .
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