Example sentences of "man [coord] [noun] was " in BNC.

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1 Only the best were good enough to grace the amphitheatres ; a second class performance by man or beast was not tolerated and would probably lead to the inevitable ‘ thumbs down ’ .
2 There is a further clause in the 1950 law that permitted Manor to confirm that a man or woman was not an absentee if that person left his place of residence ‘ for fear that the enemies of Israel might cause him harm or otherwise than by reason or for fear of military operations , .
3 By fifty a married man or woman was as likely as not to have suffered widowhood , and would have already lost half his or her contemporaries : in contrast to a mere twentieth today .
4 Neither man nor beast was abroad .
5 The disease both of man and cattle was enormously important , but working with the human tuberculosis organism carried considerable risk of contracting an often incurable and sometimes fatal infection .
6 Yes because he was man and spirit was n't he ?
7 In Hebrew religion , and in that religion alone , man was joined to God by a quasi-legal covenant , as a result of which the ancient bond between man and nature was destroyed .
8 That strand of thought in Marx and Engels which stressed the dialectical unity of man and nature was left undeveloped , except in the neglected work of people like William Morris , generally dismissed as " Utopian " and not worthy of the attention of serious revolutionaries .
9 The mystery of man and woman was about to be unfurled before her .
10 Every man and woman was his slave .
11 ‘ For her , any difference between men and women was accounted for by education :
12 For some of the societies of West and Central Africa the loss of such large numbers of able-bodied young men and women was catastrophic in several respects .
13 This double standard of mores and values between attitudes to men and women was evident throughout the survey .
14 The unexplained gap between the pay of 26-year-old men and women was 51 per cent allowing only for educational background and employment experience , or 38 per cent allowing also for information on job characteristics .
15 However , a couple 's income continued to be aggregated and any progress towards the effective ( rather than formal ) equal treatment of men and women was undermined by the introduction of the ‘ full-time exclusion clause ’ .
16 An elderly man with a white pointed beard was being shepherded into a chauffeur-driven car by the short rough-haired woman in a thick tweed suit , who had been at Rupert 's house that evening in the autumn ; a little man carrying two heavy-looking suitcases was hurrying away as if to catch a train ; a group of younger men and women was standing on the pavement , talking and laughing .
17 There was a feeling at the Friday meetings — more men than women attended — that sexual possessiveness between men and women was out of order .
18 For each variable examined , the difference between men and women was tested for significance by the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test .
19 The frequency fo H pylori infection in men and women was similar and increased with age as previously reported .
20 The deep and simple puritan piety of these men and women was , she saw , a response to the fear of ‘ worn-out and failed lives ’ .
21 It was natural for the Girls to go out with men but Tiller was possessive and seemed to expect them to remain single until they were about thirty years of age , then quietly fade away .
22 Agents , these days , they look like corporation men but Herrick was more show biz than Coco the Clown .
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