Example sentences of "man [Wh pn] [modal v] have " in BNC.

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1 The overall effect is that the morally indefensible opportunist appears as a very human figure , a man who would have liked to have had his cake and eaten it and who , forced to make choices , alternates between self-congratulation and a sense of self-betrayal .
2 And the body of the Cid was prepared after this manner : first it was embalmed and anointed as the history hath already recounted , and the virtue of the balsam and myrrh was such that the flesh remained firm and fair , having its natural colour , and his countenance as it was wont to be , and the eyes open , and his long beard in order , so that there was not a man who would have thought him dead if he had seen him and not known it .
3 Trapped in the revolving world of afternoon TV , this is a man who would have quite happily recorded the LP from the comfort of his bed had they been able to fit it in the studio .
4 In the hospital , sitting up for the first time in several days , he had watched the doctor anointing an old man who would have made a superb St Jerome : ‘ a thin , long , sinewy brown wrinkled body with such very distinct and expressive joints that it makes one melancholy not to be able to have him for a model . ’
5 It would have been a foolish , bull-necked man who would have looked a gift horse in the mouth … so I like to see myself in a small way as following in his footsteps . ’
6 Not , in other words , the kind of man who would have taken his own life within hours of writing that letter to ‘ Liz ’ .
7 ‘ He was the kind of man who would have sold his suspicions for money . ’
8 As a test of his strength Utnapishtim challenged him to stay awake for six days and seven nights — " But while Gilgamesh sat there resting on his haunches , a mist of sleep like soft wool teased from the fleece drifted over him , and Utnapishtim said to his wife , " Look at him now , the strong man who would have everlasting life , even now the mists of sleep are drifting over him . " "
9 Here was a man who would have no trouble with women , Jane thought , strong and handsome , but cruel — perhaps cruel was too harsh a word , but hard certainly , it showed in the set of his mouth .
10 Francis : the judge considered why Findlay had signed the interview notes and concluded that the toothache was exaggerated and that though tired he was not the sort of man who would have signed incriminating notes out of consideration for his solicitor .
11 I can think of only one other man who would have taken the political risks involved and that was the late Sir Hugh Fraser .
12 He could never entirely regret it , because it reminded him of working with Willie , and the passing resolves he made as a grown-up to lose some of it always contained a tang of unease about betraying his professional qualifications in the eyes of a man who would have belted him for such a thing .
13 It was even tempting , for here was a man who would have appreciated every irony .
14 And in a way this answer , like the first , was astonishingly appropriate , brandishing a secret truth and a paradox before a man who would have appreciated it to the full , but could not be let into the secret .
15 These people could have been addressed by one man who would have been heard comfortably .
16 His wife turned without a word , and went to open the door ; and presently ushered in Detective Chief Inspector George Felse , mild , grey-haired and ordinary , a tired middle-aged man who would have been inconspicuous and among his peers almost anywhere he cared to materialise .
17 His letter had not contained any regrets for her forthcoming ordeal and he did not look like a man who would have much patience with women in any case .
18 And as I say ’ ( Morse looked slowly around his audience ) ‘ it was one of your own group who performed this grisly task — a man — a man who would have felt little squeamishness about first stripping the dead man of his clothes — for there had been much blood , much messy , sticky blood which almost inevitably would have transferred itself to the clothes of the man disposing of the body ; a man who for the last ten years of his working life had been inured to such gruesome matters , as a moderately competent ‘ mortician ’ in America . ’
19 The two stars , Juliet Stevenson and Bill Paterson , were taken aback when the audience began muttering during their harrowing portrayals of a torture victim confronting the man who may have been her tormentor .
20 One man who may have his eye on it is David Mellor , Secretary for National Heritage .
21 Another man who may have caused difficulties for Quintianus was Arcadius , whose actions prompted Theuderic 's raid on the Auvergne .
22 A tidy desk and behind it a man who might have come in on the Saturday afternoon for extra work .
23 ‘ I do n't think I 'm the kind of man who ought to have a working wife . ’
24 Against them , Jerry Moffatt , the man who should have won the world championship but fell off his bike .
25 ‘ After a few minutes an embarrassed train driver told us the man who should have unlocked the gate had not turned up . ’
26 I am a man who should have children .
27 The death of Matthew Makepeace , the man who should have been lecturing that afternoon , ‘ one of the most promising scholars of his generation ’ , the old Professor used to tell us , was ‘ an inestimable loss to the department and the university as a whole ’ .
28 The next customer was a middle-aged man who must have been a regular , for he began by saying , ‘ Do n't often see you on this side , miss . ’
29 FOR a man who must have thought his career was over six years ago when rejected by Derbyshire , Paul Taylor 's passage to India is indeed a rags-to-riches miracle .
30 As for the old houses , there were none in the immediate area that I knew of , other than these which had been built as a nostalgic memento , as a reminder , as a gift both to himself and his family from a man who must have known innately that in discarding the past his people were in danger of losing their touchstone .
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