Example sentences of "man [unc] [noun sg] was " in BNC.

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1 The man 's skin was the matchless white of a person who preferred study to sport and shadow to sunlight .
2 The imprisoned man 's sister was married to a gardener in the Boboli and lived just next door .
3 But the big man 's laughter was uneasy and he muttered , ‘ Aye well , take it easy , eh , ’ before giving Martin an odd look and returning to his own beat .
4 The man 's relief was patent .
5 The man 's tone was dismissive , and Jaq had to allow him more credit for flexibility than he would have supposed .
6 It was n't merely that he had lost stones in weight — dash it , the man 's sobriquet was a libel now — but that his whole demeanour was that of a soldier completely confused , completely disorientated .
7 The character of the field man 's work was fundamentally altered in ways unknown to younger staff .
8 It was Marcus Judge who had created the Brotherhood and selected likely candidates for it , and it was Marcus Judge who decided upon punishment when a man 's work was unsatisfactory , when he was guilty of negligence , dishonesty or — worst crime of all — treachery .
9 When my parents ' generation were marrying back in the 1920s not everyone had cars and the best man 's responsibility was to organize transport for all the guests .
10 This man 's suit was as well-cut as Jeff 's , his tie matched his shirt , while his wife looked like a model , with gleaming fair hair , and a dress that had surely cost more than her own .
11 It lay at the point where the fertile coastal plain to which Shurton belonged gave way to the austerely beautiful Quantock Hills , and in the meeting of those two quite different landscapes the village acquired something of its distinctive character : Stowey was a place always busy with the concerns of a lowland domestic world , but the gateway as well to a solitary hill country where man 's dominance was suddenly challenged and nature prevailed .
12 To glorify the love felt for another man 's wife was to flout contemporary notions of obedience and authority , the authority of the church as well as the authority of the husband .
13 ‘ Seducing the man 's wife was the hard way , was it ? ’
14 One man 's excuse was : ‘ Why should I buy a licence ?
15 As soon as the man 's wallet was in his hand , the Doctor retreated hastily back to the car to peruse the contents .
16 The man 's chamber was locked .
17 They cooked strips of its meat over a fierce wood fire , but the old man 's appetite was small .
18 ‘ Have ye not , ’ the young man 's voice was noncommittal as he straightened his back and wound up the spare netting on a wooden stake .
19 The other man 's voice was placating and wistful .
20 The man 's voice was a soft bass , the syllables blurred .
21 Cardiff was now somehow not surprised to find that the sound of the man 's voice was familiar — even though they had never met before .
22 The man 's voice was grimly confident .
23 Come back ! ’ a man 's voice was calling .
24 The injured man 's canoe was rescued by a speedboat after being swept up the Maisemore channel of the river and was hauled undamaged up the 15 ft high bank .
25 ‘ How did you know this man 's name was Quince ? ’ asked Bramble with a hint of incredulity .
26 The murdered man 's name was Dan Pearson .
27 According to a letter in the files this man 's name was Pavey .
28 The man 's name was Mufaro .
29 Jenjin spoke in Rostov 's ear and said that the young man 's name was Nogai , a grandson of the Kha-Khan .
30 Burun remembered that the man 's name was Yuan , and that he had been staying with Nogai .
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